great day

Dec 10, 2005 12:39

so, as bad as wednesday was... friday was just as good. my workday went quickly, i was able to code all day, and when i was done coding i was praised highly for the nice results my code produced. in addition, i was told that i would be able to work 40 hours a week until classes resume again. this is great because it will be a fast forward to learning what i will be doing at the company so i can actually be productive and continue to code. additionally, oscar (my boss) said that i can take off next thursday to spend with sham before she leaves for NYC on friday at 6:(freaking)30am.

annnd, if that is not enough... the part time job i was applying for (in which my interview went so poorly) sent me an email offering me the position! i had to read it 3 times to actually believe it. i dont understand, lately i have been doing extraordinarily well in interviews even when i think they are awful. so anyways, this job will be on nights and weekends, and should be pretty easy work. i think it might be a little fast paced, but nothing that will be intellectually or physically challenging.

i dont know if other interns are neanderthals or something, but every company i go to is always amazed at how quickly i learn new skills. maybe i do, i never thought i was that amazing at picking new things up. people at honda were amazed by it, people at tdci are amazed by it, and the people at video expressions were also impressed i guess. every time i get praise for learning a new skill quickly, i think of Bean (in Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card) and how he was very very smart from a very young age... if you really want to know more about why i think of bean, you should read Ender's Shadow and you will understand.

then at night, sham and i went to mi mexico which is a nice place on the east side. we hadnt been there for a while, but it was nice to go back. sham got enchilada ranchero which i thought wasnt so good, and i got mi mexico, the signature plate (it was pretty delicious)
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