"Eyes Wide Shut" for dannybailey

Aug 01, 2007 21:08

Title: Eyes Wide Shut
Author: westwardlee
Recipient dannybailey
Prompt: Albus/Anyone, with him thinking of Gellert instead.
Warnings: Erm…NC-17?


With his eyes closed, Albus pumps furiously into the young man's body beneath him, remembering the tightness he enjoyed that summer. A glorious summer of two boys, alike in intelligence and brilliance; Gellert, the more streetwise of the two, teaching Albus things he'd never learn at Hogwarts.

Just thinking that makes Albus thrust once more, coming inside the other boy's body, his mouth forming the name he loved, but catching himself at the last minute. He quickly withdraws, and Elphias collapses on the bed, looking back at Albus with adoring eyes.

With his eyes still closed, Albus doesn’t see it.
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