Introductory Post

Jul 16, 2007 22:56

The Deathly Hallows Prediction Challenge and Ficlet Exchange begins today! Test your Inner Eye by making predictions about the events of Deathly Hallows. Those of you with a talent for the ancient art of Divination may achieve eternal fame and glory...and win a drabble/ficlet/meta/drawble written or drawn just for you.

How to play the game:


Monday, July 16:
The challenge opens with this post.

The following poll asks you to make FIVE PREDICTIONS about Deathly Hallows, three of which ask you to predict the fates of various characters, two of which are open-ended. You can fill out the following poll at any time this week. If for any reason the poll doesn't work, please leave your replies in comments, which are screened.

Friday, July 20:
THE POLL CLOSES AT 6:00p ET (US). You have ten days to read the book and discover just how accurate your predictions were.


Monday, July 30:
I'll post a list of WINNERS, LOSERS, and BEST PREDICTIONS.

A word about winning: obviously, we need equal groups of winners and losers to stage the fic exchange. I'll determine these groups by a point system. If many of you prove to be gifted in Divination, I'll award more points to the more specific predictions. Conversely, if few people predict correctly, I'll award points for clever, compelling, or nearly-correct predictions. Thanks in advance for bearing with me if I need to make some subjective decisions.

* In addition to achieving fame and glory, WINNERS have the privilege of requesting a short drabble/ficlet/commentary/drawble having to do with any aspect of Deathly Hallows. WINNERS can ask for drabbles/ficlets/commentaries/drawbles based on events that happened, events that didn't happen, questions that remain unanswered, etc. Everything's fair game.

* LOSERS will be sent back to Divination to improve their Inner Eye. LOSERS will also claim a prompt and write or draw a short drabble/ficlet/commentary/drawble for a winner.

Note: this challenge is meant to be fun and easy for everyone, so drabble/ficlets/commentaries/drawbles of any length are welcome. No pressure! Winners will be asked to leave at least three prompts, so everyone should be able to find one they want to claim. Also, you don't need to be a fic writer to play--you just need to be willing to claim a prompt and write or draw something in response.

Monday, August 6:
Drabbles/ficlets/commentaries/drawbles due by midnight ET (US). (Posting location TBA.) The challenge closes, and we all begin adjusting to life after the end of Harry Potter.
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