Posting break and master list for Round One

Aug 07, 2011 10:13

Folks, we're a little more than halfway through posting for our challenge, so let's take a break to allow you to catch up. Here are the entries posted to date:

Round One

I Will, Severus/Lily, Harry, PG (on DW)
Severus Snape’s thoughts as he looks into Harry’s eyes.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place, assorted Slytherins, PG-13 (on DW)
Rehabilitating the “take the Slytherins to the dungeons” line.

The Vindication of Unrequited Love
, Nymphadora Tonks/Remus Lupin, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks/Bill Weasley, PG-13 (on DW)
A study of Tonks/Remus’ relationship and an attempt to keep Sirius/Remus canon while including the canon of book seven.

Untitled, Minerva McGonagall and her memories, G (on DW)
Professor McGonagall's thoughts after the battle.

The Three of Us, Hermione/Ron, PG (on DW)
"Harry talks in his sleep, did you know that?"

Rescue, the Dragon and the Human, G (on DW)
What happened to the dragon?

Sweep, Argus Filch, PG-13 (on DW)
In the aftermath of the battle, Argus does the only thing he can.
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