Detroit Pistons' "strategy"

Jun 05, 2005 20:12

The strategy of the Detroit Pistons: same as the old strategy. Put together by Dumars -- who apparently has an eye for punks -- you get a rough squad, with talent evenly distributed. Then, you play really dirty basketball. Because you don't have "star" players, but rather a collection of above-average players, the risk to your team of playing this way is minimal. However, the risk to other teams -- who do have star players -- is severe. Hence, see the Miami Heat and their situation with Wade. Throw that in with a whole bunch of whining, and you have a "team". You see, when the Piston's lose, it's "the refs that beat them" (not a combination of poor play on their part and good play on the part of their opponents). But, when they win, well, "there's no excuses -- it's the playoffs". What a bunch of worthless hypocrites.
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