From Rachel Mills' LiveJournal:All this talk of Terry Schiavo, and how squirelly husbands can be, has prompted me to want to declare publicly my wishes regarding life support should something awful happen to me.
I have no interest in donating my organs. Please do not desecrate my body. God made it. It is sacred the way it is. Hands OFF!
I wish to be resuscitated as many times as it takes. If I am injured or in a coma, please be patient with me. I will come around. I am trying hard and fighting. I am a survivor. Please respect that and keep trying.
Should I be incapacitated for an extended period of time, I want the most advanced forms of life support available from modern medicine. I don't care how hopeless the diagnosis is, or my quality of life. Life is sacred, in any way, shape or form that God chooses to bless me with it.
Spare no expense to keep me here. Mortgage the house, mortgage my parents house, my brothers' houses where they raise their children, my aunts and uncles should all sacrifice and pull together. And when my entire extended family's wealth is completely tapped, I want whatever legal remedies are due me. Sue everyone, the doctors who tried to help me, the ambulance people, the nurses who were on duty if you have to. The manufacturers of whatever drug they tried that failed me. Somewhere someone forgot to cross an I or dot a T and THEY SHOULD PAY. This is my LIFE we're talking about here. Save me. Save precious, priceless me. The world will be a bit sadder, a bit greyer, a bit *less* for the loss of me. Even if I'm just crapping my pants and grimacing like a retard, I guarantee, the magic of me touches all around me. Especially those that give me sponge baths, lucky them.
My husband promised himself to me in sickness and in health. I expect that to be honored indefinitely. I would expect a PI to be hired to occasionally check up on him and if he attempts in any way to move on with his life, even if my brain has died, been re-absorbed by my body and replaced with puss, leaving no hope for any chance of recovery, sue him too. Enlist Congress if you have to. The fact that he doesn't honor his sacred vows which he took before God and our loved ones all but PROVES it was probably him that put me in the condition I am in. Nothing to do with my own bulemia and the potassium imbalance or anything else that could explain it. He's lost his wife and a mere 10 years later he has the audacity to want normalcy and a family? Nail him to the wall. I could NEVER be replaced! Once he married me, he is committed for life! Committed, even in the institutional sense, if appropriate. Even if it makes him absolutely freaking miserable and taps all his financial resources. That is what I demand. I told him that as a condition of our engagement and he agreed! least I THINK I mentioned it. I could've sworn.
Anyway, that's what I want should I become a drooling, bed-crapping, grimacing vegetable. I want Acts of Congress, my family at war, and my husband utterly miserable and his life totally at a stand still.
Because life is sacred and I'm worth it. World, take note.
If Terry Schiavo was such a great person, is this what she would say if she could have predicted her future? Her parents view of her is certainly offensive, in my opinion.