Stupid thought for the day...

Jul 12, 2007 09:06

HP trivia and hype have me thinking... astute readers versed even lightly in the occult have realized that the 4 relics of Hogwart's founders correspond to the 4 suits of the average tarot deck.

But do they do it well?

My recent efforts to reapply myself to spiritual pursuits have me pondering: Is Slitheren really disks? Ravenclaw Wands and not Swords?

To me, the tarot analogy would make more sense like this:
Ravenclaw: Swords, air and thought (Flitwick is Charms master...)
Griffindor: Wands. fire and passion (Transmutations?)
Slitheren: Cups, water and intuition (Potions!)
and Hufflepuff: Disks, earth and the material (and Plants!)

And this is clearly reflected in the colours and mascots.

So, is there more to the tarot thing than we know? Or did JKR just not do her homework?
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