Jun 17, 2009 22:08
Sometimes I feel like I have a superpower, I just don't know what. I keep trying to figure out what it is. I'll often try to move things by concentrating on them enough, or set things on fire with my mind. Today I tried mentally imposing my version of reality on others. I was walking through Target, listening to Chemical Brothers in my headphones. The overhead lights suddenly went out, replaced by the purplish hues of blacklights. The video camera domes shot out bright blue, green and red lasers across the floor, and fog rolled out in thick waves from beyond the endcaps. Everyone around me was dancing. The guy stocking deodarants and soap was spinning on the floor, whilst the black guy with the toilet paper and a baby started pulling off aerial-acrobatic breakdancing moves. His girlfriend and the baby were manning two tech-12's in the d.j. booth in customer service. The check-out girls were dancing around poles with red lights spinning around the tops. Even the old Mexican lady browsing through birthday/anniversary cards had her hands up and was blowing a whistle. It reminded me of a rave I was at in Pensecola in 1995. I concentrated and closed my eyes for a second, but when I opened them, I saw the same dreary people at the same dreary Target. It was like a Radiohead video. Maybe it's best that I can't impose my own preferred reality on others, but it certainly would be fun. I think the world would be better for it.