This post is being made public because I think this message isn't just limited to my Friends List. No, this message is for everyone, because I think we can all participate and help to combat World Hunger.
After reading this article on the BBC
World Hunger Unacceptably High, I thought it would be helpful to show everyone this link:
Free Rice. Free Rice is a nonprofit website run by the
United Nations World Food Program. On this website, you play a game in which a vocabulary word is provided to you and you answer with the definition. For every right answer you get right, 10 grains of rice are donated to the United Nations World Food Program. It helps to enhance your vocabulary and also help provide food to starving people out in the world. You can play as many times as you want for however long you want, whenever you're bored, or when you want to learn a few new words. Please check out this website and help to fight World Hunger and by all means, pass it on!
Note: the English Vocab game is the default but you can play other other games involving a variety of subjects, including mathematics, chemistry, geography, art, and foreign languages (French, Spanish, Italian, and German).