Title: Between Rain and Sun
Pairing: Lavi/Kanda, Allen/Lenalee, other IR pairings
Rating: R
Summary: IR epilogue story. As the Exorcists of Innocent Rain struggle to rebuild, they soon discover that life without war is a lot harder than previously expected.
Warnings: Angst scale will be set on high at points, graphic smexy scenes, life being sucky, life being awesome... basically life being life. Kanda and others have bad language, so we'll warn for that too. Also, innuendo, general idiocy, and probably some lame attempts at crackish humor.
Disclaimer: We don't own DGM, just our original characters. Oh, and the plot too, if there ever turns out to be one in this particular fic.
Warnings for this chapter: Angst scale no higher than 5, some psycho-delic hallucination scenes, real-life issues, failed family interventions, and a severe lack of LK action. Don't worry, we'll try to fit it in next chapter. ;)
Part 1: I am never going to leave you. Part 2: I think, we'll both be amazing.