Broken Reflection

Mar 26, 2011 23:28

First post in this community:)

I hope you guys enjoy this story! Feel free to give me some feedback, or comments on how YOU, yes YOU, would like the story to go....I posted this on FF, but I decided it won't hurt to post it on here too:)

Title: Broken Reflection
Pairing(s): AreKan (LOL seme allen), Some Allen/ Lavi Action.
Rating: T, (some language, hints of know)

A night of lustful passion, Kanda and Allen finally come together - yet through misunderstandings, each deny the past they created. The mysterious lotus flowers finally bloom, the petals in Kanda's vision only to be cruelly torn away by the very hands that held him. Allen has become, altogether a very different person, cruel, licentious...altogether indifferent to Kanda. Hurt? Anger? Kanda no longer can sift out his muddled feelings.

BLAH. I HATE SUMMARIES GO READ IT. There's slight amnesia, personality change, and a Allen, a manipulative Lavi, and a VERY pms-y Kanda.

Genre: Angst, Drama (Humor too, if you call my sense of 'humor' humor)

And yes, do PLEASE give me feedback for this dying author here. *dies*
Oh right, I write short chapters, so I'll post a few chapters at a time.


AreKan. I love these pairing names. So ingenious.

But anyways, DGM yaoi, technically, my first yaoi piece.

But anyways, I'm not really into DGM pairings, especially Allen and Kanda, but they kind of seem cute together.

So I wrote this with a friend in mind. I hope she reads it, because all she does is read M-rated Yullen stuff, I thought I might want to...twist it a little.

I don't own DGM. I love the mangaka's work!

Discord and Strife Part 1


A glistening sweat drop trickled down the length of Allen's muscular body, hot with early passion and desire.

The bed creaked with the weight of the two, tangled, and twisted bodies that lay upon it.

Allen ran his fingers through his shock of white hair - surprisingly soft, but sticky with the heat.

"Kanda." He breathed, caressing the sleek, ebony tresses, twirling midnight silk around his finger playfully.

There was no need for words, the perfection each desired could be found within the silent beckoning of names. Passion. Desire. Lust. The perfect ingredients for an affair. Allen nuzzled the satin skin of his lover, marveling at the texture…behind the sheen of satin was steel…iron resolve and…a certain endearing quality that Allen couldn't exactly name.

Kanda was just so…sweet.

"Kanda. Look at me." Allen whispered, lips purposefully lingering beside his partner's left ear, feeling him shudder in pleasure. "Come on, Yuu. Turn around!" Still high on a vestige of ardor, Allen smirked seductively. "Or should we go for more?" Kanda turned around, his back facing Allen; long, slender hands that had caressed him ever so tenderly covered his usually passive eyes that betrayed his lust.

"Hey." Allen's bravado was wearing off, and suddenly, concern flashed in his eyes. "Are you okay?" Ever so gently, Allen placed his hand on top of Kanda's, trying to pry it off, to no avail.

Kanda's heart, just like his emotions were sealed shut. Allen had only managed to weasel into its cracks, still locked out.

Allen stared at the ceiling, frowning slightly in frustration and confusion as he tried to make sense of it all. He was certain that Kanda had enjoyed it…pretty certain. Surely those heated gasps, clutching embraces, and desperate kisses weren't just a façade…Or was it?

Did that mean Allen raped him? Against his will? Maybe Kanda had shuddered in terror…not in ecstasy.

Allen's eyes went wide with shock, a furious blush coloring his otherwise pale face. As he put voice to his revelation, he clutched the once crisp, cotton bed sheets that had been pure white.

"Kan- "

"LEAVE ME BE! Go!" rasped Kanda, muffled voice hoarse as he tried to yell from underneath his hand.

"G-go? Me? Leave?" Allen's hands shook as he paled, stuttering in shame and distress. The cruel words leaked into his heart, and suddenly, his vision was ice. Allen felt as if someone trampled over his heart, shattering it into a million pieces…what was once tentative love turned into agonizing hurt. Just by such few words.

Acting faster than his emotions, Allen threw back the linen sheet and hastily grabbed his strewn clothes from the ground.

It was useless. Everything he wanted was just an idle dream, crushed by the awakening of reality.

There was no going back.

Through silent tears, Allen tried to console himself as he stumbled along the unending dark corridor, a parallel to his broken emotions.


Discord and Strife Part 2

It was a long time before Kanda opened his eyes. Just a crack, in truth, just a bit until he could see the manila, cream colored ceiling that came spinning into view.

It was a long time before the acrid, bitter taste in Kanda's mouth ebbed.

The stinging in his eyes would not stop. His eyes were deprived of their most basic need, but Kanda had long forgotten how to show grief. There was nothing he could do.

His slender hand curled into a fist, digging perfect crescents in the flat plane of his palm. Kanda could feel the slow trickle of crimson blood dripping down his wrist from his self inflicted wound. He wiped the bloodied palm on the bedspread, coloring scarlet on a blank slate. Let the laundry lady think whatever she wanted. After all, the sheet was already discolored…

There really was no point in getting up, was there.

Everything was pointless.

Everything was just a mere distraction.

Like the slight pain of the marks to distract him from the uncomfortable sensation of his dry eyes.

Like the fleeting yearning he had to occupy his time…with his partner.

It was only supposed to be something temporary, something to pass his time and monotony. Yet…why did he feel so…empty?

Kanda continued to stare at the ceiling, scrutinizing the shape, texture, and color. The ceiling, he noted, was white. Not a translucent butter-yellow of the walls that confined Kanda like a prison cell. If only his soul, his heart was that pure. Spotless, clean, not a speck of dirt. But Kanda knew no matter how hard he tried to erase the ebony sins of his past…it was futile. That was his sole existence: revenge. There was no regret, no laments. He would never find peace with such a life. Black upon black.

Kanda's heart was painted over in black.

He grabbed a pillow, desperate to physically hold himself together. Kanda clutched to his chest, inhaling in -

Al-, no, HIS scent.

The strong, spicy musk of hyacinth, mulberry and wood enveloped him, and Kanda gasped out loud.

"No, no, no…." The memories he tried so hard to suppress came flooding back, and his body once again felt hot all over. Kanda shuddered, and surrendered to the torrent of emotions and images.

Kanda had felt feather light as his one night stand partner approached him, eyes filled with passion.

Kanda had shivered in desire when he had stroked the black symbol on his chest, crying in bliss.

Kanda had panted in urgency when he had so roughly entered him, ephemeral pleasure turning into satisfaction as the two drifted off in

The kisses that they shared were overflowing with passion and fervor.

It was too much, too many pictures, too many sensations that were overwhelming…

Kanda couldn't hold it in.


The name he had tried so hard to forget.

Kanda had dirtied the sheets once again.



Was that too much?

I feel really…embarrassed.

But please review.

It's kind of funny…because it's KANDA, LOL.


Allen was, very much intoxicated.

He sat next to his bed, the hard wooden corner digging into his back, one hand over his knee, staring off into space.

He took another swig, feeling the once harsh fire dull into a pleasant tingling sensation. Liquid Fire. Icy Inferno. It didn't matter what he was drinking anyways, for he could already feel the alcohol taking him away from all his earthly dilemmas. A few cans of beer, a few shots of whiskey with some brandy thrown in, no, a few was an understatement…maybe even a bottle of vodka…Allen couldn't remember what he had appropriated from the Kitchen. The drained bottles were scattered all around him, but his vision was too blurred to see the labels.

Allen smiled in his drunken stupor. It was a melancholic, bitter smile, and his detached mind wondered why. Something had happened…something. It was a vague, dim memory in his mind. It was something that made him feel…it was akin to when he lay there dying in the misty bamboo forest, with no hope for life. His innocence, gone, his heart broken, ripped, literally.

Or something like that.


He wanted more.

Ignorance was bliss, but forced ignorance was the best he could do.

But he achieved what he wanted. He forgot.

Another bottle opened, the sound a dull clink when he dropped the heavy glass container containing amber colored blaze. He reveled in his vacant, blank mind, feeling himself drowning in childhood memories. It seemed so ancient, so archaic, so many years ago. The violent surge of colors smothered him, yet he felt he weighed no more than gossamer, as if he would float away if his body did not anchor him to the ground.

Allen found himself on the familiar, slightly damp field he regularly visited in his early days. The sky was a velvet cover, sprinkled with twinkling diamonds. He listened for the comforting chorus of crickets and cicadas, inhaling in the scent of dewy grass.

He was stargazing.

It was one of his favorite pastimes, looking, counting the numerous stars, hoping for a "shooting star", making a wish to recover the most precious thing he lost. Wishes, dreams, he learned were trash. Somewhere, in the deep recesses of his heart, Allen knew that it would never happen. Never, in no way.

Allen turned around, and in the darkness saw the form of the very person he was trying so desperately to forget. The previous tryst had never happened, Allen thought. He reached out, trying to touch the intangible outline - if only, if only he could tell Kanda one last time…it didn't matter if he got rejected, if his heart was stepped on, he just wanted to tell him -

Just as he touched Kanda's shoulder, the image shattered, and Allen felt his hands grasping for empty space.

If he forgot, then why were his eyes wet with salty bitter tears?

Allen hurled an available flask at the wall, satisfied when he heard the shatter of the glass, some shards embedded into the wall. He smirked; life was mocking him, at his stupidity, his naiveté, his stubbornness. It was a cruel, but apt parallel of his heart. Allen staggered up, purposefully walking through dangerously sharp rubble, not heeding the cry of pain as he felt them slice through his feet.

It assuaged him; for a second, he thought his heart was made of ice.

Allen walked the dim corridors, leaving a trail of crimson blood.

It was only a few steps to the infirmary before he passed out, a pall of black that enshrouded him into a dreamless sleep.

If you got confused…Allen was only "reliving" his childhood.
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