Title: Animus Facit Nobilem
Chapter: VII. Affection
Author: Camudekyu
Rating: M
Pairing: Lenalee/Lavi
Length: 6 pages
Warnings: No spoilers. Language, "substance" use, sex.
Summary: When a series of bizarre events prompts the Black Order to dispatch exorcists, Lenalee and Lavi find that there is more going on in this small village on Malta than anyone could have expected. To make matters worse, the truth is going to hit just a touch too close to home for our Bookman cum Exorcist.
A/N: In reality, the Maltese lira was not circulating until 1972, but I think it is a prettier word than pound, which was the currency at the time of this story, so everyone pays for their dinners with lira. Also, Toshe is pronounced TOH-shuh. A beautiful southern Slavic name, I believe.
Previous chapters:
VI Chapter Seven: In Which Affection is Experienced