Title: “With the hands in the cookie jar”
andykgRating: PG-13
Genre: Humor, romance. Two sentences of angst, nothing important.
Status: One-shot (complete).
Timeline: AU (normal world).
Pairings: Allen/Kanda, small hint of Lavi/Lenalee
Disclaimer: DGM belongs to Hoshino, the song “If you were gay” belongs to Avenue Q. The crack-level needed to unite both is mine. XD
Archive: Also in
Beta: Nop. As English isn’t my first language, any comment/correction is more than welcome.
Notes: A silly idea that I’m sure has been done before, but I wanted to do my own version. So, credits for whoever invented this many years ago... XD
Summary: Kanda should know better than answering Lavi's phone calls.
Read me!)