I originally wrote this after reading 158th Night: “Evil Flower”. For some mad reason, I was under the impression that the Earl shared a seemingly special bond with the 14th. And by special…I suppose that is to be left up to much speculation and to my hopeless imagination. I stake no claims to Hoshino's work. This fabricated poem is from the Earl’s POV...
To the 14th
Bursting with sweet, blistering revelation--
Repulsively innocent and clad in grotesque temptation
You are ignorant and wise--
Whereas silver is the chaste of gold
You teeter along the rooftop of misery and dance upon the bowels of demise
You juggle happiness and sorrow,--
And with a painted face, smiling for that futile race,
You bestow hope upon the ‘morrow.
If Night were to replace the Dawn
And it forever long--
Then you, sad jester
Would go gladly into it to make the trampled strong.
It is they I loath with this irrefutable oath
That you betrayed me to save--
They who would fickle and ridicule us
You damned and blessed knave!
I adored you once, through and through--
And you, I think, thought well of me too
What is adoration but a monument of lies?
A festering, rotting corpse to feed the laissez faire of flies?
Now before us stands and demands this murderous row!--
The eternal I and the inevitable you
A vulnerable August and his white-faced Pierrot!
With this rage I will engage in one last dance with thee
To let unfold, but never remold
The spark you once kindled in me
Our critical maze gave way to this stage
Upon which we are kindred, inconsistent spirits--flying
To perform and bestow a marvelous show
For this era--dying.
The love that once existed and insisted
From feeble to tall--
Never was and never will be
Nor should it in us at all!