Title: Fade (Chapter 1/??)
Author: Yurffles
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: AllenxLenalee, LavixLenalee
Disclaimer: Not my characters, but the fic idea is mine... =)
Summary: After the Millennium Earl has been defeated, the Exorcists must choose new paths for their lives. This fic is set three years after the start of the series, glosses over events, and predicts the success of the Exorcists.
This is my first DGM fic (but not my first fic by a long shot). I plan on it being a short, long fic (10-15 chapters?). I wanted to finish this fic entirely before posting. However, when I was forced to rewrite portions of it after chapter 169, a friend convinced me otherwise...
All chapters can be found
[in my memories] Fake cut to my journal:
[Click for Fic: Chapter 1- Life After the Black Order]