About Banners

Nov 09, 2010 11:09

Okay, here's a notice about banners. I'm resigning from being a bannermaker here, and so did our other bannermaker some time ago. Which means there are no more bannermakers as of now. Instead of finding new ones, I think it's better to just redirect everyone over to custom_banners from now on.

Anyway, I'll do my assigned weeks, which are week 56-58-60-62-63-64-65-66-67-69. I'm truly sorry to keep everyone waiting so much for these, I'm positive I'll finish them all by the end of this week. X( EDIT: Okay, my HD died, along with the banners I had ready and with all my resources. Sorry everyone, I fear I'll have to give up on finishing those banners, so please head over to custom_banners. :(


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