Week 14 Voting: Faceless // 'I'm Yours'

Jun 07, 2009 13:16

It's time for available members to vote for Week 14. We've got 06 wonderful icons for you to vote for. All votes are appreciated, even if you didn't submit an icon as this improves the accuracy of the results. Please submit a screened comment to this entry with your votes for first, second and third. There will be no Special Category this week.

  • Do not vote for your icons
  • Do not get others to vote for your icons
  • Order does matter: 1st gets 3 points, 2nd get 2 points, and 3rd gets 1
  • If you make a mistake, please comment your original vote saying so with your corrections
  • Please vote in a format that is easy to understand such as:

First: 26
Second: 19
Third: 42
SC: 12

26, 19, 42



Please vote by Sunday, 7 June at 11:59PM Eastern.

Your mod for Week 15 will be either sweeter_sweet or katsumeragi.

week 14, voting

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