Week 11 Voting: Trios // 'Come Home'

May 16, 2009 22:46

We're finally up to voting for Week 11! Thank you so so much to everyone who entered, we've got 10 amazing icons, which means we have a Special Category this week! =)

So it's finally time for available members to vote. All votes are appreciated, even if you didn't submit an icon as this improves the accuracy of the results. Please submit a screened comment to this entry with your votes for first, second, third and the Special Category which is Best Colour.

  • Do not vote for your icons
  • Do not get others to vote for your icons
  • Order does matter: 1st gets 3 points, 2nd get 2 points, and 3rd gets 1
  • If you make a mistake, please comment your original vote saying so with your corrections
  • Please vote in a format that is easy to understand such as:

First: 26
Second: 19
Third: 42
SC: 12

26, 19, 42



Please vote by Sunday, 17 May at 11:59PM Eastern.

Your mod for Week 12 should by sweeter_sweet but we'll let you know if there are any changes.

week 11, voting

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