Title: Without You
nagaina_ryuuohRequest: Tyki + the Noah Clan, specifically Rhode, with a little Eaze on the side.
Genres: Tried hard to be disturbing, came out mostly sweetly sappily somewhat disturbing.
Rating: Let's call it PG13, for Rhode's nasty thought process.
Disclaimers: D. Gray-man and all characters and concepts related thereto are the
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Comments 3
ranted something in a language that had been dead since before Babel.
Buh. That gave me wonderful shivers, as did the rest of your characterization of Noah!Tyki.
And of course, the idea of Tyki visiting brothels made my brain go OMG I'D DO IT FOR FREEEEE. >__>
found Tyki more asleep than awake, golden eyes at half-mast, a vision of dusky unmarked skin and a mess of hair he hadn’t had before.
nfmdashrfuikczj more hair? More gorgeous, tousled Tyki!hair? Can't... handle... *falls over twitching*
The boy slept with his head on Tyki’s leg all the way south.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ♥
Well, that fueled my love affair with this character well enough. I know you said I'd be completely satisfied, and I certainly am.
Thanks so much. ♥♥♥
Would you allow me to do a translation of it into Russian?
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