Title: Coffee Run
Author’s Name:
parsnip_chanRequester’s Name:
empath_eiaCharacters: Lenalee-centric with Komui/+ Lenalee connation and Fou/+Lavi, and Bak/Lenalee (all depending on how you squint)
Rating: PG13
Word Count: About 2,200
Squicks/Spoilers: Everything through Chapter 156. Incest, depending on your interpretation.
Author’s Note: I was originally going to do Miranda/Lavi but Plan A kept growing with every 200 words I wrote in plot and the deadline was fast approaching. So Plan B was devised instead (even though it still ended up at 2K words). I attempted to use humor but I'm not sure how well it works and if it doesn't work, well, sorry for making you read it XD I did try to leave all relationships ambiguous depending on how you'd like to interpret them.
Summary: Komui is wading his way through the science division backlog after the Level 4 smashed near everything to bits. With the rest of the division incapacitated, it's up to Komui to take up the slack and Lenalee's there to help him. Or at least get him coffee.
Coffee Run