May 31, 2008 20:51
My latest short story:
David L Burggraf May 29 2008
A dark cloud appeared on the horizon or was it the light of dawn? Whatever it was it changed life in the little village of Stonebruk. The villagers would often stop like statues and stare at nothing. In the middle of their work just stop and stare off into the distance like their mind was somewhere else. A clerk might be making change at the cash register and hand you your change then stop and stare at you in silence as if she were looking right through you. This was normal in Stonebruk. People would politely wait until the spell had passed for they knew all to well the spell; some called it the ‘bliss’. Whatever, a reputation had spread all across the plains. If someone from Stonebruk might visit another town, the people would notice the slowness the hesitations and say, “you’re from Stonebruk, aren’t you?” It even became a cliché’ for instance if a child at school was absently mindedly staring out the window; they would say, “He is Stonebruk!”
You might be wondering what was it that happened in Stonebruk; the day that had such an affect on the villagers? Not all of the villagers witnessed IT, only some, but when IT was told to others they fell under It’s spell as if IT had happened to them. So I will not tell you about It for if I did you might hear people off in the distance turn and whisper to each other as you pass by, “Stonebruk.”