Okay so I had the weirdest dream I've had in months last night. Maybe it was the steak and beans from the Mexican restaurant or my new meds. Not sure yet.
I was a counselor at some waterfront camp. One of the boy campers decided to do a demonstration of why not to touch bird eggs by touching the nest and the eggs while putting coins in it.(don't ask me why coins were for a bird nest) For some reason I didn't stop this and just stood there watching. So of course the eggs start hatching and the boy runs with the nest to put it back in the tree and drops an egg on the way. I pick up the egg and throw it- it lands perfectly in the nest without hurting the egg or the bird inside it. Cut to a new part of the waterfront camp by a tree. I have bead ropes wrapped around either arm- blue on the left and red on the right. The campers play tug of war with my arms and the blue team wins- we all fall over. Okay prepare yourselves- this part's nasty. We are all in a circle and that same camper who likes playing with bird nests decides it would be cute to take a picture with everyone taking their pills (don't ask me why I didn't stop this either and neither did the male counselor working with me (but he objected pathetically). We all have the same pills except for a couple campers- the green and white one I'm on for real. So right after that the male counselor gets up and starts puking. Later we take the pills to some lab to have them tested. Turns out they are infected with salmonella. We are all worried. Don't know what happens next because the cat decided to jump on my stomach and lay right on my bladder- which wakes me up b/c I have to go to the bathroom. Silly kitty.