(no subject)

Feb 29, 2012 23:19

Oh joy, you're stuck in a room, and there's a fabulous tea party being held in it. With 24 fabulous flavors to pick from:

01. Lavender Tea:
Drinking this will give you amnesia. Varying degrees of temporary memory loss, or the inability to retain new memories, may occur.

02. Pear Tea:
Results in the inability to speak anything but the truth.

03. Ginger Tea:
Causes delusions of grandeur.

04. Chocolate Tea:
An aphrodisiac, keep away from kids! May cause drinker to become overly affectionate and/or horny.

05. Chai Tea:
Species-swap. You are now a member of a different species.

06. Earl Grey Tea:
Causes extreme clumsiness and a general lack of grace.

07. Lady Grey Tea:
This tea has somehow changed your physical appearance to that of someone (anyone) else.

08. Pineapple Tea:

09. White Tea:
You can't speak at all now.

10. Mint Tea:
Results in the inability to tell anything but lies.

11. Rose Tea:
Sex-swap. You are now the opposite physical sex.

12. Red Tea:
Drinking this may cause you to become very suddenly and abnormally happy/angry/sad/jealous/etc.

13. Strawberry Tea:
Congratulations, you're now only a few inches tall.

14. Blueberry Tea:
It's like drinking a lot of caffeine. Far, faaar too much caffeine.

15. Jasmine Tea:
Will cause you to adopt the personality of someone else. Possibly the nearest individual.

16. Vanilla Tea:
Will make you rather disinterested and lethargic.

17. Orange Blossom Tea:
Will cause disorientation and imbalance, loss of coherency and hallucinations.

18. Chamomile Tea:
Now you can't speak without belting out a tune.

19. Green Tea:
You suddenly adore the nearest individual. Perhaps to unhealthy extremes.

20. Oolong Tea:
You suddenly despise the nearest individual. Perhaps to unhealthy extremes.

21. Lemon Tea:
Age-swap. You've either lost or gained a few years.

22. Pomegranate Tea:
Your entire personality will take a 180°.

23. Maté Tea:
You've just lost one of your five senses.

24. Milk Tea:
Causes the uncontrollable urge to dance.

The cakes and other various sweets scattered about won't do anything to you, but if you opt for a plain glass of water instead, there is a good chance it may spontaneously decide to become a tea...

[Tea parties are a staple of the DR, and for those who are new, feel free to check out how it's been done in the past. For those who are old, be sure to read over the teas, because a few changes have been made, to switch things up. All effects are temporary, but severity and duration is at the mun's discretion. Feel free to use the RNG if you can't decide on a tea!]


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