
Dec 18, 2011 13:23

[In preparation for the holiday season, the Dressing Room has gone out of its way to decorate a fair number of the evergreens into Christmas trees. There is no method to the madness as only some of the trees outside have decorations and an even more random number of trees indoors have lights and tinsel and ornaments ( Read more... )


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selfdeluded December 18 2011, 22:10:50 UTC
[Holy shit-- Holy shit. Allen just-- stares for a moment, before all but dashing over to that tree and trying to rip the various strings of lights and garland down so Lavi will come down, too. And he's entirely okay with catching him if need be.]


besomeothername December 18 2011, 22:17:48 UTC
[Oh, Lavi hopes that Allen is catching him. Catching him or flopping on top of him are the only too options really. And despite his vampire strength, Lavi still is a rolly polly doughnut eater]

[Reaches up to tug on a lock of hair playfully in either case]

Hey, Allen. How have you been?

[Terrible if those bags under his eyes are any indication. You, good sir, look like one very tired vampire]


selfdeluded December 18 2011, 22:28:11 UTC
[Oh-- is Lavi far enough down that hair tugging is possible? Because if so then man, forget tugging on string lights and garland, Allen is just flopping on him and clinging to Lavi. Maybe even laughing a little.]

You came back...


besomeothername December 18 2011, 22:51:39 UTC
[Wrapping an arm tightly around Allen's waist and pulling him close. Of course, he came back. He'd do anything to get back to the Dressing Room while people he cared about were still there]

Think a little thing like interdimensional portals will stop me from finding my way home?


selfdeluded December 18 2011, 23:06:28 UTC
[He'd curl around Lavi if he could, but being strung up by decorations doesn't lend well to truly proper clinging. So Lavi will just have to deal with Allen holding onto him very tightly.]

I couldn't find you anywhere! No matter where I looked... [and he has pretty much looked everywhere. Literally. There has not been a lot of eating or sleeping recently.

But when Allen lifts his head he grins brightly at Lavi, and reaches up to give him a very brief kiss.] I'm so glad you're back...


besomeothername December 18 2011, 23:15:27 UTC
[Lavi has noticed that not eating or sleeping. Oh Allen. He loves you, but he really wishes you took care of yourself when things went bad. Or had someone around to nag you into healthiness]

[Returns the kiss, shifting to ruffle Allen's hair again]

Me, too. I missed you. And here. And everything, yeah.

[Even the less than happy times. They seemed worth it as long as he was allowed to be here at home]


selfdeluded December 18 2011, 23:26:14 UTC
[It wasn't that he was avoiding either thing this time, at least! He was just too busy looking for Lavi to really consider either thing as a proper option. ....so yeah there was a lot of wandering around during the day. And in the South Wing.

Really, if Lavi knew what had gone on since he disappeared, he'd probably smack Allen a dozen times over.

Practically purring at the hair ruffles this time though, and plopping his chin against Lavi's chest.]

Did you have a good time while you were away? ...did you go back to your world?


besomeothername December 19 2011, 06:56:04 UTC
[He will ask whether or not Allen will tell him or not. Like Lavi said, Allen is way too much like him. And Lavi knows exactly what he would do if Allen went missing]

It was kind of- [Lonely] quiet actually. A lot of new people. A zombie invasion.

... But no, still haven't seen home in over three years, yeah.

[And he's happy about that. Going home probably means his chances of coming back to the Dressing Room are close to zero]


selfdeluded December 19 2011, 07:21:30 UTC
Zombies... [Sounded like the sort of thing that Coke Bottle would like... but Allen hasn't seen him in awhile. He might not be around anymore.

But he goes back to that wide and so very happy grin when Lavi says he hasn't been back there.]

I'm really glad you haven't. [And he's selfish enough to admit it. Allen detaches himself slightly from Lavi to lean up and kiss his cheek, and noses at it. It's probably been awhile since Lavi's seen Allen this genuinely happy.]

Welcome home, Lavi.


besomeothername December 19 2011, 07:24:11 UTC
[Reaches up to touch Allen's cheek. To brush his fingertips against the corner of that very very beautiful smile]

[Allen, you should really smile like this all the time]

Sorry that it took me so long to find my way back.


selfdeluded December 19 2011, 07:32:01 UTC
[Lavi leaving might have actually done a world of good for Allen. He hasn't been this relieved, this happy, in such a long time.

Would it be weird, to be scared into happiness again?

But he tilts his head slightly towards Lavi's hand.]

Ah... it's alright. We never really have a choice, do we? [A bit of a chuckle.] This was a much better way to come back than when I left... though it seems like you had a bit of a rough landing.

[There's a brief moment of hesitation, in which it looks like he really doesn't want to let go of Lavi, before he slowly pulls and starts tugging at the lights and garland still holding him up. He'll catch Lavi when he starts falling, don't worry.]


besomeothername December 19 2011, 07:36:44 UTC
[It would be weird to be frightened into happiness. Weird and worrisome. Lavi was hoping that Allen could find his own happiness through normal constructive means. Through thinking over why he was upset, fixing the source, and then gradually improving]

[This seemed like a temporary band-aid. A way to keep Allen happy for just a moment before the weight of what was bothering him before pulled him down again. And once Allen was convinced that Lavi was here for good again, Lavi was afraid that Allen would go back to the way he was before. Lonely, bitter and hurt]

I didn't go to nearly a bad a place as you did.

... But I wanted to come back sooner. I didn't want to leave you alone, yeah. Not now.

[When Allen needs people to support him the most]


selfdeluded December 19 2011, 07:47:04 UTC
[Allen is sort of a weird and worrisome person, though, Lavi. And when he loses something, he always lingers on it. Lingers until he loses something else.

But this time, something he lost actually came back. And yes-- that's probably why Allen's so happy right now. For once, something worked out. He didn't lose something vital to him.

Would it really be so weird, if that managed to fix him even a little?]

That kind of thing... it can never really be helped though, right? ...It isn't like I blame you.

[A beat, and he leans over, sniffing the air near Lavi.] It definitely smells like you went somewhere better.

[And ohey, there goes the last supporting garland. It's in a bit of a rushed movement, but Allen manages to catch Lavi bridal style before he drops very far.]


besomeothername December 19 2011, 07:55:34 UTC
[It would make sense. Perfect sense considering how Allen's life had been over the past few months. But that's why its so worrisome. It doesn't seem like this should be something that should fix Allen's problems. It seems like it's two near heart attacks getting the heart working again. As if one cancelled out the other]

I know you don't blame me. I just wanted you to know that I missed you, yeah. Missed you a lot.

[He probably smells a bit of ash and smoke. He was killing zombies yanno. Burninating them. Otherwise he smells of a kind of rustic outdoors. Overgrowth and rust and mold]

[Makes a startled noise before he is caught in Allen's arms. Oh there. That's much better. Leaning over to nose at his temple]

Ah, I'm teaching you all my wonderfully awful habits.


selfdeluded December 19 2011, 08:12:49 UTC
[It won't fix them entirely. It won't even fix them to a large extent; but more than anything else, it will give him hope, even if it's only a little bit. Hope that if this worked out, if he could get his Lavi back, then maybe other things could work out as well.

Maybe his Allen and his son could be alive and safe somewhere.

Maybe Whitey, wherever he was, was actually doing okay for once.

Maybe, maybe, maybe... maybe things could be alright. Maybe he could be alright.

He laughs a little though.]

I missed you too, Lavi. [And he's a little less than secretly glad that he was missed, too. And burninating zombies is never pleasant. But at least it smells better underneath all that zombie blech.

Humming~ And adjusting Lavi a bit so he has a better hold of him.]

I like this habit, though.

[And-- nope, not putting Lavi down.] Did you want to stay here, or..?


besomeothername December 19 2011, 08:20:35 UTC
[But Allen Allen Allen. Lavi firmly believes that his son is safe and sound somewhere as is his mother. He thinks that Whitey is probably dreaming about plucking eyeballs deep from the recesses of Allen's head. That all the other friends that Allen has made are living wherever they may be. They may not be perfectly happy, but they're alive. And if you're alive, then happiness is always possible]

Luckily I'm shorter than the average Lavi or this would get a little awkward, yeah.

[Not that he is complaining. Or trying to get out of said hold]

I want to go home.

[Their room. His home. And he wants to rest and curl up around Allen. Let the idea that he's back in the Dressing Room sink in before he wanders out to see if everyone under his wing has been okay in his absence]


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