(no subject)

Sep 17, 2011 22:41

[One might be outside or catching a glimpse of the scenery through the window. But wait, Wasn't it bright and sunny just a moment before? The clouds have rolled in blocking out the golden rays, but they can't obscure them completely. The area is left in a haze of oranges and golds as if a fog had settled in. The door just passed by? Gone. The ground beneath? Covered in leaves up to the ankles with autumn colors. No longer indoors as trees with bare branches reach up to the sky in praise.

Soft sounds start to break the silence. Scratches at the ground. Voices whose words are barely audible if one strains to hear them. They are pleading, calling, enticing with a hoarse whisper. Older denizens of this place might recognize this. An endless space. A trap. One that can only be exited by going forward and never turning back.

The voices become louder more distinct. They are calling.

Someone has been disturbing the slumber of the dead.]

[ooc: Horror Hall because it is almost October. Close enough? Ballroom post. Thread jack, start your own threads, go wild, have fun.]


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