
May 29, 2011 15:39

[There is a knocking on your door. Insistent. Loud. It doesn't matter really where you live or what fake address you've given him to where you live, he'll venture the halls.

It is a nice day. Warm sunshine if one looks. Why waste it?]


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itisasillyplace May 30 2011, 05:47:03 UTC
Tyki! How wonderful to see you. [He leans a hand on the door frame, the door now standing ajar.] Welcome, welcome!


solo_insanity May 30 2011, 06:27:21 UTC
My, my, you are a hard one to track down. Been keeping busy, have you?

[He takes off his hat and tucks it under his arm. He motions to the interior of the room.] May I?


itisasillyplace May 30 2011, 06:42:02 UTC
[He stands aside, and waves his arm.] Oh, reasonably busy. One has to keep occupied. Do come in.


solo_insanity May 30 2011, 06:44:37 UTC
[Tyki will toss his coat and hat on the nearest table or chair near the door. He fiddles with the edges of his gloves as he regards Cyril.]

My, then, tell me of your most recent escapades. We do need to catch up.


itisasillyplace May 30 2011, 06:54:22 UTC
[He'll usher Tyki towards a sitting room at one side of the entrance hall. Somehow, Cyril managed to get a smart and well-appointed suite of rooms, a lot better than the average fare for the Dressing Room. It's entirely possible he forced a horde of Akuma to rebuild it to his liking. In any case, there's a set of large glass double doors opening up into a private courtyard, letting in the sunshine and a hazy breeze.]

And I, too, would like nothing more than to hear of your activities. Shall I call for tea to to be brought to us?


solo_insanity May 30 2011, 07:01:23 UTC
[He wouldn't doubt that Cyril had the Akuma build this place for him. He would live in nothing less and, truly, he preferred it this way. It felt right for the place to be decorated this way.]

I'll take coffee or even water. Nothing against your hospitality, but I can never seem to trust the tea here.

[Tyki sits crossing one leg over the other and leaning both arms on their rests.] Then I think we shall start with the more recent events. I'm sure you noticed the extra Akuma running about recently. I must say they were quite more responsive than I expected them to be without dead souls. I do believe they would have destroyed themselves if only given the command.


itisasillyplace May 30 2011, 07:28:36 UTC
[Coffee and some refreshments, then. Cyril silently contacts an Akuma and gives them orders to bring those things along, and makes himself comfortable in his chair. Such nice furniture: he's proud of himself for carefully ordering the Akuma to make something so tasteful.]

They could hardly be missed, when they were running around so noisily! I had a chat to one of them. Illuminating, in some ways, but lacking in others. The silly Akuma hardly knew where he was, or what he was supposed to be doing, although he followed orders well enough. But hmm...so it is true, is it, that they lacked dead souls?


solo_insanity May 30 2011, 07:41:23 UTC
[Spotless, too. Though he is surprised to see that the furniture is well crafted. He expected a few taped over holes or scratch marks if it was made by an Akuma.]

I met a fair share. Perhaps four or five. None of them had remembered dying, and I think that would be something at least one of them would have remembered. But I suppose we would have to confirm that to be sure.

Oh, did he now? I suppose suddenly being in such a state would be rather jarring. Though, I found it interesting that some enjoyed the power given to them. Saw it as a gift more than a curse. I can see the sentiment, but I can't say I agree with it.

But they were quite loyal as you said. I used them to assault the Exorcist base.


itisasillyplace May 30 2011, 08:19:57 UTC
[An Akuma with the soul of a fussy master carpenter is a rare thing, but Cyril managed to find one. It's quite a triumph, in his opinion. He steeples his fingers, eyes curious and his monocle shining a little in the light.]

Did you now. That is terribly interesting, and your information fits with what I already know. You simply must tell me why you assaulted the Exorcist base, and what business you had there. If it was business, that is; perhaps it was pleasure?


solo_insanity May 30 2011, 19:07:11 UTC
[Cyril must have some sort of craftsman Akuma sense. He probably has a lovely baker as well.]

A mix of both truly. The Order has its secrets and with their allies as Akuma it seemed a good enough distraction. There were a few that tried to bar the way, one more troublesome than the rest, but in the end it was a way in.

They are keeping Fallen there, you know. Quite surprising. Rather cruel to let someone live in that state, but the Order has never been known to hold back when they think they have a path to victory. Also, they make rather good sources of raw Innocence.

But you knew about this beforehand? I must admit I stumbled upon it and found it rather entertaining. How did you learn?


itisasillyplace May 31 2011, 06:14:32 UTC
[There's no baker, yet. It's a constant distress to him, but he's still looking. The other Akuma simply can't bake food which can fully satisfy his delicate palate.]

My dear Tyki, I had no idea whatsoever that they had Fallen in that place. How truly fascinating! You've done the family a great service by obtaining that little piece of information. I can't imagine the majority of Exorcists are aware of it...and that makes it an extra card for us to hold.

But if they're using them as convenient raw Innocence, hmm, I don't like that at all.

[[ooc: Ooh! I see a brilliant plot on the horizon. Having Fallen in the Order is a great idea.]]


solo_insanity June 1 2011, 03:50:56 UTC
Actually, I'm not sure if they were using them as raw Innocence. That is what I was looking for at the time. I could break weapons to get it, but that seems rather troublesome. This way they won't be missed.

[He pulls out a cigarette and taps a hand against the armrest before lighting it.]

I actually have a request if you wouldn't mind indulging a favor.

[ooc: Haha. I just like to leave plot hooks everywhere for people to latch on to if they want. Or things that I can always use for an idea later.]


itisasillyplace June 1 2011, 07:07:53 UTC
Oh? Do say what it is. I would be glad to oblige you, if it can be done.

[An Akuma maid is approaching, quietly wheeling in a trolley with coffee and snack food. Cyril ignores her for now.]

[[Well, there is plenty of potential there for either. ♥ It's good to have plot hooks around.]]


solo_insanity June 1 2011, 07:25:08 UTC
I'm going out for a bit of a trip and not sure when I'll be back. I have some unfinished business I need to attend to. I know you already have this under control, but...

Well, I'd like you to look after Road while I'm gone. She's been distraught as of late. I think you'll be able to comfort her better than most. And my other version. You know, the dashing one that always seems to be getting into trouble. I haven't been able to find him recently, but I'm sure he's around here somewhere.


itisasillyplace June 1 2011, 07:33:43 UTC
[He's almost offended by the suggestion.]

Of course I'll take care of Road! She's my sweet, adorable, wonderful little girl! Hmph! It's my pleasure and my delight to spend time with her ~ and no-one will take better care of her than I can. I - but why, what do you mean she's been distraught? [His forehead furrows. This is dreadful news.] My cute Road has been suffering...?


solo_insanity June 1 2011, 07:37:17 UTC
[He laughs. He really shouldn't have worried. Shouldn't worried at all.]

My, my, she fell down and scraped her knee. You know that these things happen from time to time. Also, I think she is just missing the more ... familiar. I think seeing you more often would truly brighten her day.


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