
Apr 15, 2011 21:04

[Walker has managed to get back into one of his vices and has been smoking to calm himself while slowly accepting that musicalrabbit is taking his sweet time to get back in control.

He's actually watching a pretty childish movie (Wall-E) at the moment, trying to figure out what the hell is going on... This seems like some daydream from that Komui guy.]

swapped!14th lavi's host

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explosiverabbit April 26 2011, 19:26:32 UTC
[PLOPPING DOWN BESIDE WALKER and plucking that cigarette away from him. 8> ]

Heya~ S'been awhile, yeah?


unmusicalrabbit April 26 2011, 20:18:15 UTC
Hey! [Reaching for plucked cigarette.] That's mine!

Where've you been?


explosiverabbit April 26 2011, 20:49:36 UTC
Playing with the fishies, a'course~! [...which is, believe it or not, his way of saying he's been at the bottom of a bottle for a long while now. ...not being able to save bitty!Walker kind of did a number on him, despite not knowing that kid and this one were the same people.

But he grins, takes a drag from the cigarette, and makes a face, sticking out his tongue in an over exaggerated look of disgust.] Stuff still tastes awful... why're ya smokin' this?


unmusicalrabbit April 26 2011, 21:01:46 UTC
[Wut.] Fishies? [Making a face.] That's little kid crap isn't it? [Imagining Bomber playing in a stream with little fish around his ankles.]

Because I can. [Crosses his arms and huffs.] It's mine, give it back.


explosiverabbit April 26 2011, 21:06:04 UTC
My kinda fishies ain't fer little kids at all~ [...snerk. alas. DNW water.]

Tastes like crap, though.... [Pouting, and taking another drag from the cigarette, before blowing the smoke out in Walker's general direction.] Yuuup. Crap.


unmusicalrabbit April 26 2011, 21:09:54 UTC
... Huh? What, have you been fighting sharks or something? [So confused.

Walker plops his chin on Bomber's shoulder, pouting glaring.] It's still mine.


explosiverabbit April 26 2011, 21:14:49 UTC
Nah. Don't want ya pickin' up my kinda habits though, yeah? s'not important.

[Hee~ His own pout dissolves into an easy grin, and he gives Walker a very over exaggerated kiss on the forehead, with the 'muah~!' sound and all. And he holds the cigarette out for him to take.] I know, yeah. But it'd be a shame if ya started tastin' like that stuff.


unmusicalrabbit April 26 2011, 21:28:57 UTC
.... If you say so. [Just gives Bomber a very quizzical look. You don't want him to fight sharks? That's fine--he didn't particularly want to fight sharks.

Leans back some and rubs a bit at his forehead with another quizzical look, but takes a drag on the cigarette he's reclaimed before saying anything. You confusion him a lot, Bomber.] Wouldn't you taste like it right now, anyway?


explosiverabbit April 26 2011, 21:35:06 UTC
[He is totally fine with confusing the hell out of Walker. In some way he likes confusing the kid, because he's damn adorable when he's confused - in other ways, Bomber doesn't like to broadcast his issues too much. Confusion is better.]

Only for a little while! But if ya smoke tha' stuff too much, ya'd taste like it all the time! [Whiiiining like a spoiled little kid, oh yes.]


unmusicalrabbit April 26 2011, 22:04:19 UTC
[Walker is almost used to being confused. The world doesn't make sense to him anymore, honestly--and although things are clearer than before, that doesn't mean they make any more sense.

He still has that habit of staring when paying attention to someone, or staring just beyond their shoulder at times when he spaces out. Right now he's paying attention and sulking frowning.] Why does that even matter?! [Stares at the floor instead, color tinting his face a bit.]


explosiverabbit April 26 2011, 22:09:52 UTC
[Lavi would probably argue that the world never makes any sense, and especially not in a place like this. You've just gotta enjoy what you can about it. ♥

....omg grinning so much. Hah~ He got Walker to blush~ He looks so damn proud of himself.] 'Cuz~ [Leaning in closer in a conspiratorial sort of way.] If ya find a pretty girl 'er boy ya wanna kiss, what're ya gonna do if they don't like cigarettes? Ya'd be in a lo~t of trouble.


unmusicalrabbit April 26 2011, 22:21:03 UTC
[Walker's never really been one for looking on the brighter side, sadly enough, but he does try to make heads or tails of things at the very least.

He takes a drag and blows out the smoke towards the tv, before staring at Bomber, his other arm wraps around his knees as he sits awkwardly.] I don't.. [Looks away, taking another drag then tapping his cigarette butt off in the cup he has set aside for that purpose.] I don't go around kissing people. S-so I don't care.


explosiverabbit April 26 2011, 22:26:21 UTC
[Well clearly, that's what Bomber is here for! ♥ To remind Walker that there's better things out there, even when he can't remember that himself.

Two drags in one train of thought? My my, it seems like he's hitting a stressful vein with this topic.] But ya might wanna a'some point, yeah? What'd ya do then? Can't always wander off and brush yer teeth when ya need ta...


unmusicalrabbit April 26 2011, 23:05:34 UTC
[Bomber does a very good job, where Walker fails. ♥

He was already thinking stressful thoughts before Bomber showed up--hence why he was smoking at all.

Walker drops his forehead to his knees, curling his free hand in his hair, other hand hanging awkwardly with the cig.] Then it will be the Goddamned Noah's problem! Not mine. I don't care. [He's been stuck out of his own head for awhile, enough that he's actually awake now, instead of just half-there. Bomber probably wouldn't understand why that his distressing. He's not even sure where the 14th is, or if he's still in their headspace.]


explosiverabbit April 27 2011, 00:52:44 UTC
[...Oh dear. This wasn't the kind of reaction he'd been hoping for. He'd mostly been hoping for more pouting and huffing and general grumpiness, not something like this. Leaning closer and lifting a hand to the back to Walker's head.]

Hey... didn't mean anythin' by it, yeah? [...does he know that Walker has a Noah in him? I-i don't think he does. At any rate...] 'Sides, I like ya better'n any stupid ol' Noah...


unmusicalrabbit May 12 2011, 06:11:20 UTC
[The more he thinks about things the more he wonders/worries about the 14th. What will happen to him when the Noah comes back? He's not sure he wants to be quietly tucked away again... or maybe it's that he wants to be tucked away and the 14th is taking so long....

He shifts awkwardly to peer at Bomber over his knees, his free hand falling from his hair.] I know. [Kind of frowning at himself, because worrying Bomber wasn't what he meant to do... Maybe he does? idk, Walker might have mentioned it before once or twice.

The second part however makes him tuck his face back behind his knees, hiding the bit of color.] No one likes the stupid Noah. ... He probably wouldn't care about kissing anyway.


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