
Jan 15, 2011 22:24

[Tonight was promising to be a quiet night in the dressing room. The Tykis may be lounging in the miscellaneous bars and pubs, and the Allens are probably curled up in piles of blankets. Who knows where the Crosses are, but that's nothing new. And Lavis? Well... they're probably head-first in a book, drooling and getting ink on themselves. Yes, ( Read more... )


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solo_insanity January 16 2011, 05:44:25 UTC
["Who turned out the lights?" might be the first question. The halls looked similar enough to the endless twists and turns and changes this place is known for. Even the windows showed boxed in courtyards with invisible fences. Though, on closer inspection, it isn't exactly dark. No, instead it seemed as if someone had scrapped all the color from the area and left behind only gray mush that blurred at the edges.

Actually, there was one bit of color in the hallway. The footsteps made by your passing. Flower petals of bright pinks and purples stretching endlessly behind.]


marreddreams January 16 2011, 05:59:37 UTC
[Sh-she's been looking for you all night, Tyki ._.]

[And yet, there's something about the feeling of the lack of color that Road doesn't like. It feels strange, even for a dreamworld. There isn't any place to go, but forward.]

[Her brow furrows, and she clasps her hands behind her back as she steps forward, color rippling from her toes with each step she takes.]

[Color. It's the least she can do right now.]


solo_insanity January 16 2011, 06:14:24 UTC
[As she continues to search, the Dream attempts to help. It slides ahead farther and wider than her footsteps. It loops around the halls and finally doubles back to her. The visage around her almost shrugs at a lost. But the Dream, tamed for now, shifts beneath her slowly blurring everything into a solid shade of gray as it attempts a different approach.

She finds herself outside in the middle of tall grasses. Perhaps her search will produce more fruit here. If she looks back, she can see the sole building that makes up this way point for worlds. However, it looks even bleaker than the gray stalks at her feet. A soft wind kicks up and the colored petals of lotus she was trailing and swirls into the sky. Even though she can't see any water, she can smell the salt coming from an ocean beach.]


marreddreams January 16 2011, 06:33:20 UTC
[The Dream is turning too fast for her to keep up with it. She can't tell if this is another Dreams, or if it's her inability to control this dreamworld. Whichever case this is, it's infuriating. And also maddening. She should be able to turn this however she wants, god damn it.]

[Road reaches out, running her fingers over the grass, contemplating which direction to go. She doesn't want to go back to the building; if she does, she'll never get out again, and she knows it. At the same time, though... she's missing something. Someone. She can't just leave with out them.]

[But there's ocean ahead. Freedom. Not weird versions of her, nor the ones she loves, nor those claiming to be her Siblings who aren't. She frowns, looking down at the ground, where a small yellow flower is coming up from the soil; she plucks it free, and starts forward ( ... )


solo_insanity January 16 2011, 06:42:50 UTC
[The edges of the world shimmer and shift latching on to her irritation. A sharp wind kicks up and might yank Relo from her grasp if her grip isn't firm. But it settles back down again, the grasses gently blowing in the breeze.

As she makes her way toward the ocean, her footsteps will no longer produce petals, but dents in the long grasses. When she looks back from time to time, she'll see a second, larger set of imprinted footprints in the grass a step or two behind.

But there is nothing there to occupancy her except for the sea breeze and tall blades.]


marreddream January 16 2011, 06:51:23 UTC
[She doesn't jump when the umbrella is yanked from her grasp, but she isn't happy about it in the least. Why isn't this dream obeying her? Her jaw tightens as she continues forward, running her hand over the grass blowing in the breeze.]

[It takes her a moment to realize that there are footsteps beside her, and she stops, whirling in her spot.]

Tyki? [Except, Tyki wouldn't do this to her. He'd come out, wouldn't he? Her gaze narrows, and she folds her arms.] Allen?


solo_insanity January 16 2011, 07:47:33 UTC
[The footsteps stop at being called a name. Tyki or Allen? They move again, footsteps without a body beating down grass, circling her once before standing in front of her.

A form appears before her out of smoke, but it echoes the same dull grays as the world around her. Neah. Allen Walker with Tyki's face. It is as close as the Dream can get to matching her request.

The figure bows at her and offers a hand.]


I am really not sure why she's reacting so violently to that ;; marreddreams January 16 2011, 08:05:12 UTC
[Oh no. Oh hell no. She does not like that one bit. Not because it's not Tyki (but is), nor because it's Allen (but not), but because it isn't definite. She hates that. This is her world, her territory. She's supposed to control this, and it feels like the more she tries the more it unravels, and she does not like that at all.]


[The voice is clipped, seething. Her first reaction is to summon a candle, and plunge it through that pretty face of his.]

[And yet...]

[While the candles do appear behind her, floating in a small flock, she doesn't reach for one. Somehow, she can't bring herself to do it. Instead, her gaze hardens.]

You don't belong here.


solo_insanity January 16 2011, 08:14:10 UTC
[The smile on Neah's faces stretches to a grin as if he knows a secret. A secret he's not willing to tell as he retracts his hand and stands back to full height.

The Dream itself only seems to be mirroring her actions. Her anger becomes its anger. Her defiance echoed.

The wind whips up again and the lights on her candles flicker violently but don't go out. The footsteps left in the grass erased. She can hear a crashing wave on the shore where she was recently headed.

Neah still remains where he is standing, seeming to not mind the threat coming his way. Though, his shadow seems to stretch toward her despite the gray world.]

But you called, dear sister.


marreddreams January 16 2011, 08:30:13 UTC
[That grin... can she permanently carve it into his face, she wonders.]

Not for you.

[Road hasn't quite caught on to the way her emotions are shaping the Dream. Not when she's so frustrated that she can hardly see straight, anyway. And not when the mere sight of him makes her neck sting and throb and burn worse than ever.]


[Because she wants to go toward the sound of crashing waves... and like hell if she's going to turn her back to him to do it.]


solo_insanity January 16 2011, 08:43:04 UTC
[The small yellow flower that was held in her hand now turns a blood red and begins to drip. It also has taken on the shape of a lotus, the same as her mark.

When she shouts at him and tells him to begone, his form shakes as if it can't keep hold. It blurs, both body and shadow, into a formless mass until it can finally resettle. It takes the form of the being beyond the mirror. The black shadow with wide eyes and grin but no other distinguishable features. Certainly not Allen. And certainly not Tyki.]

Y... got.... e

[It garbles out something unintelligible, but stands firm its ground. Still an echo of her anger that the Dream tries to keep alive despite Road's demand otherwise.]


marreddreams January 16 2011, 08:52:09 UTC
[She kicks the flower aside with a bare foot - was she always missing her shoes? When had she taken them off? - and she stops.]

[The thing beyond the mirror. The Noah. There's something about seeing that grinning face that seems to cause a shift in her anger to something that's more than just lonely frustration, but also a seething ache. An internal reaction Dreams is having to its missing kin that she doesn't quite understand.]

[It only hurts worse that she can't tell what it's trying to say. Hurt?]

[The grass plunges into the earth, leaving nothing but very fine and very unnaturally white sand at her feet. She reaches up for one of her candles and holds it toward him, as though a warning to not come closer.]

You'll have to speak louder than that. [And with the candle in hand, she starts stepping toward the sound of waves. Maybe she'll find Allen there. Or Tyki. Maybe both. That would make everything all better.]


solo_insanity January 16 2011, 09:06:21 UTC
[The beach is just as empty as the field earlier. No signs of Tyki or Allen as the waves lap up on the beach some lazy and some sending water crashing and creating dips in the pure white.

The shadow of the 14th stops at the grassy edge seeming one long blade himself. He doesn't follow forward. Nor does he utter any more words. He remains quiet and still almost like a forgotten memory and her shift from rage.

As she crosses the sand, something pushes up against her foot. It is an old, thick glass bottle with a piece of paper inside it. Though the glass is old and faded, she can see that the piece of paper is blank and that there is ... a pen in the bottle as well.]


marreddreams January 16 2011, 09:11:57 UTC
[She doesn't like that he seems to be watching her - particularly because he seems to be doing it out of entertainment - but he isn't following, and it's mostly easy to ignore. Never forgotten, however. Never ever. Simply denied?]

[The bottle in the sand is distraction enough, however. She casts one last look at the shadow before bending down to pick it up.]

[It's a lot like a fairy tale, the story of a message in a bottle. She turns the bottle over in her hand, letting the paper and the pen slip into her hand, and writes her name, as well as Tyki's and Allen's on the scrap.]

[Should she throw it back into the water, she wonders.]


solo_insanity January 16 2011, 09:20:53 UTC
[The shadow does nothing more than follow her movements with a bob of its head from the grass. The 14th actually resembled a mime as it even if it stretched a shadowy hand forward, it would stop at the barrier of sand.

While the sun was overhead only moments before, it was setting now. Only the top half of the huge sphere could be seen over the water. Its bright white rays reflected off the gray tinted water. If she bothered to take a closer look at her message written, she would have notice that Tyki's name had disappeared and Allen's had been smudged beyond recognition. For dead man could tell no tales, and that particular Allen she had in mind wasn't here, in her Dream World, at last, not at the moment.]


marreddreams January 16 2011, 09:25:54 UTC
[The sudden change in time is nothing new to her - she almost thinks she did it herself - and so she brings her hand up to cover her eyes and look at the setting sun. For a brief moment, anyway, until she notices Allen's smudged name. Maybe the pen was running.]

[But Tyki's name is gone, and with it, it brings an overwhelming emptiness.]

[Without giving it much of a second thought, she whirls around and glares at the shadow lingering on the edge of the sand.]

Where is he?


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