
Oct 25, 2010 16:08

[Do you know where you are?]

[Perhaps it's in a field full of wildflowers, far as the eye can see. Or, perhaps it's a cobblestone street with the scent of fresh apples for sale. Maybe it isn't somewhere quite that pleasant.]

[Wherever you are, something isn't quite right. It isn't an obvious thing, but rather a lingering instinct somewhere in the ( Read more... )


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silenthistory October 25 2010, 20:18:44 UTC
[Here in this dream, it takes place in a graveyard with iron gates and everything.

And standing right in the middle of it is Lavi, who's covering his ears and clenching his eye shut.]


marreddreams October 25 2010, 21:08:00 UTC
[But it's so quiet here, isn't it? A deafening kind of quiet. Strange, how it's impossible to find complete silence.]

[From behind his eyelid, Lavi should notice the way there's light shifting in the distance, like a large bonfire just over the edge of a hill. People? Perhaps you don't have to be alone, after all.]


silenthistory October 25 2010, 21:11:20 UTC
[He tries to ignore the deafening silence, but that light.

Lavi slowly opens his eye, as if to see if that light's really there, but there's something else that he noticed too.

His eyepatch was missing. Where did it go?]


marreddreams October 25 2010, 21:46:33 UTC
[Perhaps the people by the fire will know. It never hurts to ask.]

[A soft sound starts to sift through the silence, music. A radio? Just under it is the sound of voices. Two of them. Although it's all still too far away to discern exactly what is being said, or being listened to.]


silenthistory October 25 2010, 21:51:19 UTC
[Lavi follows after that sound. Those voices...it brings some sense of familiarity to hom but Lavi can't recognize it.

It's time to get closer.]


marreddreams October 25 2010, 22:21:40 UTC
[There is a fire on the other side of the hill, not a large one, just enough to cast light for the two men digging a grave. It turns out that the music is coming from a radio, sitting on top of one tombstone, and it's actually a complition of older music.]

[In fact, despite the modernness of the radio, the men themselves look like they're straight from the malt era as well - button-up shirts rolled up to their elbows, suspenders, brown slacks, and loafrers. It's difficult to tell who they are at first, and still difficult to hear what they're saying. But they haven't noticed Lavi, yet.]


silenthistory October 25 2010, 22:26:18 UTC
[He slows down when he sees the two men and hears the music. Lavi recognized that song.

It was Gramps' favorite.

But he feels his heart going heavy when he realized that the men are digging a grave. Otherwise, Lavi will try to get their attention.]



marreddreams October 25 2010, 23:15:34 UTC
[It seems that they haven't heard Lavi yet. One of them - he's wearing a beret - points down into the grave and mutters something that's too muffled for Lavi to hear.]

[The other nods in agreement, and reaches for a bottle of presumably alcohol. He takes a swig and swipes the sweat from his brow.]

[If you want them to notice you, you're going to have to get closer.]


silenthistory October 25 2010, 23:32:46 UTC
[Lavi hesitates before getting closer to them.]


marreddreams October 25 2010, 23:45:36 UTC
[The one wearing a beret finally looks up with a frightened expression. As if looking at a ghost. He taps the other on the shoulder and points at Lavi, muttering something that's still too muffled to understand - even if, at this distance, it should be clear.]

[The other looks up with an equally frightened expression, and drops his beer. The glass makes a hollow sound before tumbling into the grave.]

[You don't know them, and somehow they know you. And somehow, they know you're supposed to be dead.]


silenthistory October 25 2010, 23:49:07 UTC
[He looks like a deer caught in headlights as they give him that look.


Swallowing thickly, Lavi realized that any words he could have said was lost. No one was supposed to know.

How do these men know he's supposed to be dead?]


marreddreams October 26 2010, 00:40:09 UTC
[The man with the beret grips his shovel, and starts to dart away. The other man seems to have lost control of his bladder. The second man falls back for a moment before scrambling away as well, leaving nothing but the open grave, and the blasting radio.]

[Going to come look?]


silenthistory October 26 2010, 00:48:58 UTC
[Suppose it wouldn't hurt...right?

Lavi takes a step closer to look at the grave. He immediately pales and backs away.

It was him. But younger. When Lavi used to go by the name, Ryan.]


marreddreams October 26 2010, 03:03:59 UTC
[Lavi isn't going to have time to look for very long - a pair of small hands is going to come up from behind him and push him forward and into the grave.]

[Not that it matters much. Reality isn't normal, in dreams, and Lavi will find himself falling. It's not unlike falling down the rabbit hole, is it?]


silenthistory October 26 2010, 19:27:38 UTC
[His eyes widened and he tries to grab something - a root, even - to stop the fall.

It's not until he lands hard at the very bottom of the grave.

Groaning, Lavi sits up, rubbing his head. Then he looks around.]

Where am I now?


marreddreams October 27 2010, 01:00:07 UTC
[Wherever it is, it certainly isn't inside a grave anymore. Rather, it's a very large and very cavernous room. It's black everywhere, save for the floor which had a dizzying purple-and-black spiral pattern to it. Lavi has landed in the center of the spiral.]

[He's fallen so far down that he can no longer see the opening of the grave - it's just black all around him. Despite the blackness, there's plenty of light to make out four doors around him - one in every direction.]

[In front of him, a red door, behind him, a green door, to his left, a yellow door, and to his right, a blue door.]


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