(no subject)

Oct 11, 2010 13:44

[There's a little trail of blood and rust on the floor. It starts near where you're standing, and if you choose to follow it, it will grow wider as it leads you away. The path that you're walking becomes dirtier and older looking with every step. The walls are damaged and crumbing, and blood is splattered on the dusty once-white paint and torn wallpaper. It looks like this area might have been lovely at one point. But now? It's simply ruined. As you keep walking, the scent of decay and death fills the area, and occasionally a scream or perhaps the sound of metal grating on metal will be heard. But if you look for what made the noise, nothing will be found. No, you're alone. That's quite certain. It's just you, the rust, the dust, and the blood along the strange path you've continued to follow for some strange reason.

That is of course, until the path leads to a filthy torn up chair, with a bloody and bruised Kanda sitting on it. Blood stained lotus flowers surround his feet, his eyes are closed, and somehow the air seems heavier here.

Perhaps taking this path wasn't the smartest idea after all.]

[OOC: AU Kanda. Please fill in permissions here if you have time to.]


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