
Oct 02, 2010 02:54

[Allen is sitting in the middle of an herb garden, a basket full of various plants in little pouches carefully labeled. He's humming softly and not paying attention to a damn thing in the fading sunlight ( Read more... )


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coffeeflirt October 2 2010, 12:12:01 UTC
*This is just the place he was looking for. Somewhere quiet to think. He doesn't notice you at first.*


ahealallsmile October 2 2010, 16:14:58 UTC
[Allen glances at him and then after assessing him he turns back to the herbs, humming softly. It's not much, but it's a relaxing nudge he's sending the teen's way.]


coffeeflirt October 2 2010, 16:53:48 UTC
*It helps. He needs his thoughts to stop spinning so fast.*


ahealallsmile October 2 2010, 16:58:04 UTC
[Something happen that threw him off balance? He can always talk to Allen, he's trained in that field too. ♥

But for now he'll keep humming softly and keep pulling mature herbs off.]


coffeeflirt October 2 2010, 17:01:56 UTC
*He really does need to talk to someone about a few different things.

He's starting to notice that humming, and trying to find the source of it.* Didn't figure ya for a gardener. Am I intruding?


ahealallsmile October 2 2010, 17:07:51 UTC
[Allen's free to listen whenever he likes~ Can even do it in the privacy of the healer's tent if he wishes.

He smiles a little and scratches at his cheek.] I only garden when I need to, though it's relaxing. You're fine, Lavi.


coffeeflirt October 2 2010, 23:25:32 UTC
*Will have to take you up on that. There's a lot he needs to talk about.*

What'cha harvesting?


ahealallsmile October 2 2010, 23:33:00 UTC
[Anytime man, anytime!]

Some herbs for medicines and teas. I have nothing else to do here really.


coffeeflirt October 3 2010, 00:00:26 UTC
Ya make y're own teas? *So wants to try some.*


ahealallsmile October 3 2010, 00:03:29 UTC
I do, it's a relaxing process almost like giving massages.


coffeeflirt October 3 2010, 00:07:20 UTC
Massages too? *You are his new best friend.*


ahealallsmile October 3 2010, 00:10:37 UTC
Yes, I have a lot of different services in my profession. I'm a Healer of many things.


coffeeflirt October 3 2010, 03:06:51 UTC
Nice t' meet ya, then. Never know when I might get int' trouble. *See that grin.*


ahealallsmile October 3 2010, 03:20:52 UTC
Well, if you should ever get in any, I don't mind helping. Everyone else would rather go to the clinics.


coffeeflirt October 3 2010, 12:10:28 UTC
*He doesn't really like going there.* The clinics are too crowded.


ahealallsmile October 3 2010, 21:57:48 UTC
[Boy's got a tent inside a room, can't even see the walls because the tent is pretty much the room.]

I guess, I've never really gone in them.


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