(no subject)

Jul 13, 2010 01:52

[Shuffling down one hallway - and in the direction of the clinic - is Kanda. It isn't hard to see that she's managed to get herself out of a scuffle; and even if it doesn't appear that she's too terribly hurt -- her shoulder was relocated in the fight, after all -- she's still in a rather bad way. Of course, she's trying to downplay exactly how much pain she's in; even if it's getting harder and harder to do.]

[Especially given the rather haunted look in her eyes. She's more concerned about the baby than she is about herself. It hasn't moved in the last few hours.]

Fuck... fuck...

[And eventually, she slumps to the floor, back against the wall and arm wrapped around her belly.]

Not now. Please not now...

[[Some DR time-warping gods shall date this to here, as the gal had to learn to stop playing with Tykis somehow. Between that and this, Kanda's just pushed herself way too far.

Feel free to help her. As ungrateful as she'll initially come off, she really would appreciate it. J-just be careful. She does pack knives on her person, and since she doesn't have a dislocated shoulder, or a hand pinned behind her back, she won't be afraid to put it to use if she feels threatened~]]


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