[The main cafeteria is a bit different today. Some changes have been made to the layout, and all the usual staff are absent. The people serving there now, whilst being neatly-dressed and smiling, are in fact Akuma
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Not quite. Today I am a keen volunteer, performing a service for the public. ♥ Although one could say that is also the form of my usual occupation, in a manner of speaking. ♥
[she starts ladling out some soup for Tyki; she isn't stopping to ask if he wants any]
In a way, Tyki-pet. I caught too many crocodiles for the family to eat them all, and waste is criminal. ♥ But this location does have a different air to it. I do enjoy the change. ♥
[There is actually nothing strange about the soup's abilities whatsoever. It won't turn anyone into anything; she hasn't even slipped poison into the bowls of the Exorcists she's served so far.]
It was. ♥ After the last time I looked for crocodiles here, they have become wary and cunning, and retreated into the winding dungeons. As a result, it was necessary to make a long outing out of it. ♥ Would you like to come along next time? ♥
[How very generous of her. Then he'll quite contently eat his crocodile soup. It tastes pretty good after all.]
My, my, you followed them all the way to the dungeons, did you? ... ... And where was the dungeon again? [Tempted to say, yes. His face probably says as much. At least he could see a few new places without worried about what things this place can throw at him.]
[She looks quite pleased to see him trying the soup, and waves the empty ladle as she talks]
There is a certain pathway to follow, Tyki-pet. It is an area that most denizens of this place attempt to avoid, but I, who am practically perfect, have little trouble traversing it. ♥ As long as you stay with me while there, you will also be safe and sound. ♥
[Would pull up a chair but those are a bit far away.]
This place wouldn't be underground, would it? [He may be an idiot for even thinking about taking an escort from her. But, truly, he was up to trying anything.]
Indeed, although it does not always look it. There are jungles in parts of the labyrinth. ♥ The peskier crocodiles have made their homes there, where there is camouflage. ♥
I shall be more than happy to teach you. ♥ [She smiles more broadly, and her teeth sparkle in the light. Those are some very big teeth she's got there, too...]
But Tyki-pet, I do have a serious matter to discuss. I would like to know your plans for when you return to your world. ♥
[He was going to say something as he brought the spoon up again, but well, that second sentence sort of cut him off half way. The utensil was held in the air as he looked up rather confused.]
Plans for the return trip to my world? I must admit being here over a year has made those thoughts rather muddled, but I imagine I'd just go back to doing what I was? I won't remember this place, after all.
[she considers that, and fills up another soup bowl for herself]
Can you be so sure that no echo will remain? ♥ Several people have reported retaining their memories of this place in full. Plans cannot be dismissed as useless. ♥
Ran out of the good hired help, did we?
[she starts ladling out some soup for Tyki; she isn't stopping to ask if he wants any]
[Free food. He's not complaining.] I am rather curious about your location, however. Looking for a bit of different atmosphere?
Was the trip pleasant? I must say I haven't tried to take a holiday here.
It was. ♥ After the last time I looked for crocodiles here, they have become wary and cunning, and retreated into the winding dungeons. As a result, it was necessary to make a long outing out of it. ♥ Would you like to come along next time? ♥
My, my, you followed them all the way to the dungeons, did you? ... ... And where was the dungeon again? [Tempted to say, yes. His face probably says as much. At least he could see a few new places without worried about what things this place can throw at him.]
There is a certain pathway to follow, Tyki-pet. It is an area that most denizens of this place attempt to avoid, but I, who am practically perfect, have little trouble traversing it. ♥ As long as you stay with me while there, you will also be safe and sound. ♥
This place wouldn't be underground, would it? [He may be an idiot for even thinking about taking an escort from her. But, truly, he was up to trying anything.]
But Tyki-pet, I do have a serious matter to discuss. I would like to know your plans for when you return to your world. ♥
Plans for the return trip to my world? I must admit being here over a year has made those thoughts rather muddled, but I imagine I'd just go back to doing what I was? I won't remember this place, after all.
Can you be so sure that no echo will remain? ♥ Several people have reported retaining their memories of this place in full. Plans cannot be dismissed as useless. ♥
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