
Apr 13, 2010 02:42

[Is that blood? Why yes, yes it is. A lot of it ( Read more... )


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dechiqueter April 13 2010, 14:57:11 UTC
[normally Kanda wouldn't care about other injured people, but, well, he happens to be going this way as well. no harm in getting to the clinic faster, is there?

once he catches sight of the bloody and quite obviously beat up form, he drops from the wall and screeches to the halt nearby, approaching slowly]



crowningdarkly April 13 2010, 15:00:49 UTC
[Allen lifts his head from his hand to follow the voice. Red eyes blink once, taking a bit longer to open than they normally should, and for a moment he looks unable to recognize who he's looking at.

It doesn't take long for recognition to flash across his features though; confusion is replaced with a rather haunted look in his eyes, and he tries to drag himself away and toward the wall.]


dechiqueter April 13 2010, 15:16:01 UTC
[he frowns at the reaction, faintly recognizing that red clothing from his.. dreamthing. makes no move to get too close, though. he's pretty sure Allen's needs some major first aid, but...]


crowningdarkly April 13 2010, 15:18:51 UTC
[He's slowly pulling himself to his feet again.]

He hurt a lot of people.

[The words are soft, and slightly slurred. Obvious Allen's vision is swimming, by the way he can't seem to focus properly. A few more moments later, and he probably won't fight being helped.]


dechiquette April 13 2010, 15:23:59 UTC
[...scowls. of course Allen would care more about others than himself, even when he's like this]

..Che. [crouching down to assess the damage and see if it's possible to move Allen without hurting him-- too much]


crowningdarkly April 13 2010, 15:26:10 UTC
[Aside from superficial knicks and cuts, there's a rather open wound in his side, something that resembles a battlescar having been torn open again. He starts to sway a little and glances back over his shoulder.]

He killed a lot of people.


dechiquette April 13 2010, 15:30:36 UTC
[just gonna pretend you were slurring too much to be heard. this Kanda won't worry over the dead and gone, even if they aren't really 'gone']

Can you stand?


crowningdarkly April 13 2010, 15:31:57 UTC
[He pushes himself off the wall, swaying a little, before leaning against it again.]

... I'm fine.


dechiquete April 13 2010, 15:39:45 UTC
..Really. [watching. as long as he doesn't look like he'll topple over any time soon, Kanda won't touch him. might even walk with him to the clinic]


crowningdarkly April 13 2010, 16:24:04 UTC
[No, not really. He manages to get a few feet before slumping back down to his knees and leaning against the wall.]


dechiqueter April 13 2010, 16:31:36 UTC
[silent for a moment, then kneeling down to loop one arm under Allen's knees and the other around his back. hope you don't mind being carried]


crowningdarkly April 13 2010, 16:32:55 UTC
[Half-heartedly squirming until he finally gives up. Well, being carried is fine. Hope you don't mind blood soaking into your clothes...]


dechiqueter April 13 2010, 16:38:08 UTC
[blood-soaked clothes is nothing new, but geez you're heavy. :( falters a bit before regaining his footing and pushing off, running/skating the rest of the way to the clinic]


crowningdarkly April 13 2010, 16:39:16 UTC
[It's the cloaks and furs. They add a lot of weight to him, no? He lets his head fall back to look up at Kanda.]

Your wings are gone.

[Talking about the dream. Yeah, he recognized you.]


dechiqueter April 13 2010, 16:44:38 UTC
[yeah, those too. he doesn't usually carry people around while running, and he's making a conscious effort not to run along the walls like usual]

..I never had any to begin with. [literally.. and metaphorically]


crowningdarkly April 13 2010, 16:46:20 UTC

[Don't mind him. Kind of not in his right mind.]


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