(no subject)

Dec 28, 2009 20:45

[ has, currently, taken over one of the nicer-looking bars in a more-or-less neutral area, and has found himself with a bucket of dirty pint glasses, idly washing them off and stacking them.

It's not that he ever actually got around to that bartending job, really, but the idea intrigued him enough to give it a go here♥

Although as far as bartenders go, he looks a bit like he's the one in need of a drink and someone to lend an ear, muttering to himself around a lit cigarette. Easy enough to ignore though, if you're just up for a drink.

What'll you be having, then~? ]

[ ooc; wondering why he hasn't been back to that blasted island yet. More or less canon, the only notable difference being the unremovable collar he's got on, although it's inactive. Not to say that the DR won't ever apply its OWN special rules to it, fufufu... ]


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