(no subject)

Nov 01, 2009 04:35

[ stumbling in from a nondescript door is what looks like a disheveled and tired looking young man, amber eyes half lidded, until he sees where he is. The door has already shut behind him, but when he reopens it, the look on his face says that it's not exactly where he came from. He looks more perplexed and annoyed than scared as he gives up on the door and starts looking around. ]

Oi...Walker, if this is your idea of a joke, I'm telling you now, it's not funny.

[ from his pants pocket he produces a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, taking one out and lighting it up, taking a long drag off it. ]

You're really gonna get it for this, boy. You know that, right? Damn... don't you think it's a little early to be playing April Fool's jokes?

...this is a practical joke, right?

[ he starts to sound more uncertain as he goes on, growing more ill-at-ease as his friend doesn't immediately reveal himself. ]

...damn it, Cyril, if you're screwing with me again...

[ ooc; say hello to female Tyki, a la The Dustland, my little...pet AU. Yes, "he" is a female. "He" is entirely female but dresses and lives like a man. Very difficult to figure out. Psychics, hyper empaths, and those of you with really good trapdar, just don't expose her to EVERYONE; otherwise you're welcome to figure her out. However, until a character has figured her out, I'll continue to use male pronouns with that particular person, to avoid confusion. Canon information can be found here and her WIP biography can be seen here. She's being taken from November 1998. ]


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