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dreamsofnoah November 1 2009, 12:17:14 UTC
[Ooh look, someone new to play around with.]

You live in a castle?


worstkarma November 1 2009, 23:51:23 UTC
*glancing back with a curious blink... definitely not a face we've seen before*

Uh... yeah! It's a really big castle too.

((Is Road in white or black form? :o))


dreamsofnoah November 1 2009, 23:55:57 UTC
[Just giving him a sweetly innocent smile.]

Ooh, it must be fun to stay there. I wish I had a castle to live in...

((ooc: white! :>))


worstkarma November 2 2009, 00:05:37 UTC
It's okay, I guess. I do like going up in our towers! You can see the ocean from the most tippy-top ones and birds come around and stuff. It gets pretty boring when you don't get to go outside, though...

What kinda place do you live? *curious look*


dreamsofnoah November 2 2009, 00:07:22 UTC
They don't let you out? Why?

Back home I live in a big mansion with Mama and Papa! We have maids and a garden and a fluffy white dog.


worstkarma November 2 2009, 00:14:50 UTC
Umm. *pauses with a slightly perplexed frown; he has a vague inkling he shouldn't go around spilling Order secrets, but he's never really dealt with a civilian before* Well, it's a long story. I guess you could say I'm sorta sick? But they're trying to make me better.

Your house sounds awesome though! *beam* Is your dog fun to play with? Oh, and what's your name? My name's Alma. *cheerily thrusting out a hand to shake. Oh what a gentleman.*


dreamsofnoah November 2 2009, 00:18:03 UTC
Oh...I see. My mama's sick too so she spends a lot of time resting. Do you do that too?

It is~! I like it a lot. And he is, even if he doesn't always fetch when I tell him to. [happily accepting his hand and shaking it, her smile strangely growing a bit wider at his name.] Alma? It's lovely~ to meet you. I'm Road.


worstkarma November 2 2009, 00:34:40 UTC
*THE NOAH KEEPS SMILING, THAT DOESN'T BODE WELL. But Alma is happily oblivious and just enjoying this whole running-around-meeting-new-playmates business.* Road! Nice to meet you, Road! That's a funny name for a girl. *he says with a total lack of malice* Do your folks like to travel or something? Oh-- but I guess they must not get out much, if your mom's sick... that's too bad. *frown*

Yeah, sometimes I have to rest, but not that often. Mostly I have to let the scientists poke at me and stuff so they can figure out what exactly's wrong. It's not much fun.


dreamsofnoah November 2 2009, 00:51:52 UTC
[NOT AT ALL. But she's keeping up the pretence.] I guess it is, but Alma's a weird name for a boy too, isn't it? [shrugging a bit as though she doesn't mind.] We do travel a bit. Not mama though.

Scientists? [Sits cross-legged on the floor as though settling down for a long conversation.] Is it something really really wrong then? [Is that an expression of worry she's faking? Indeed it it.]


worstkarma November 2 2009, 01:26:06 UTC
Er... well, I don't exactly know? I don't feel much like anything's wrong with me, but that's what they say. I guess the grownups know more about it than I do. *shrugs, taking a seat on the floor with her*

Is Alma a weird name for a boy? *laughs* I guess it could be. I don't know anybody else with my name.


dreamsofnoah November 2 2009, 08:43:46 UTC
Pfft, I don't know, grownups don't always know best.

Maybe just a bit. [giggling] But having a name that's unusual is better! Like mine! [Also because...it makes it easy to identify certain second Exorcists.]


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