(no subject)

Oct 24, 2009 15:54

..Par votre ministre, et que vous n'avaient aucune intention de créer guerre avec notre pays.

[the Fourteenth sits at a table, pen tapping against a sheet of paper, an old-fashioned telephone in hand. he is trying hard to keep his composure as calm as possible, and may be wearing a strained smile if one were to pick up on such things.

on the paper are some notes scribbled in French. along the margin is a crude doodle of Cyril being stabbed repeatedly with knives. someone seems to be having family issues...

Timcanpy's wings flutter as it lands on the table next to the doodle, and the Fourteenth continues his relatively fluid French, though he obviously has only recently learned the language]

No, Minister Kamelot is not available. He has requested that I, as his secretary, be the one contact you in his stea-- ..I see. I understand, perhaps we could-- hello? Hello, Minister? Oh, bloody hell--

[cue slamming of phone and irritated redialing] Reaching you is difficult enough, why must the line drop now of all times?

((ooc: canon update for 1903!crew. This post is for Fourteenth, Timcanpy, and possibly Kanda as well (will add his tag later if he decides to comment here P:). The French is a rough translation by translation.babylon.com of "..of your minister, and that you had no intention of starting a war with our country."

ALSO ALSO Halloween post will be up via ilmiomarionetta hopefully by tomorrow! get ready to scare each other! 8D Edit: replies will be slow. my mind is stuck trying to comprehend HTML and Dreamweaver for a school project D:))

1903!timcanpy, 1903!14th, 1903!kanda

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