
Aug 27, 2009 01:38


I've been having something of a creative block lately. RP-wise, at least. I just can't think of anything. SO. I was wondering if anyone wanted to plot to help kick me back into it? :D I'm pretty much free for the rest of the summer, why not spend it RPing?

This isn't everyone, but I would love it if you wanted to plot with;

sleepingspell ( ( Read more... )

help meee, i play too many characters, sob rping block, plot post, komui has his pick of the men

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Comments 27

sewingscientist August 27 2009, 06:06:50 UTC
johnny will play with supervisor and little exorcist supervisor! /o/


ingenuities August 27 2009, 17:47:27 UTC
|D Both Komuis would love to play with Johnny~ Canon!Supervisor especially. I've been thinking he needed to do something mad-scientist-ish, but I'm not sure what. XD;


sewingscientist August 27 2009, 17:50:22 UTC
whatever komui ends up doing, johnny'll think SUPERVISOR IS SO AWESOME!

the noah's bookman would like to meet a komui sometime too X3
(he's a twisted little bookman)


ingenuities August 27 2009, 18:00:32 UTC
A-aww~ Even if he builds another Komurin? XD;

He should meet thornsbindroses. Lavi is on the Noah's side in his world, too. XD; Or maybe the Exorcist one. He is was too trusting and would probably leak some information if asked nicely~


lotus_exorcist August 27 2009, 23:22:52 UTC
LENALEE STILL NEEDS TO MAKE IT UP FOR DYING ON YOU. D: Soon as I figure out a good way to do that without being just coffee.

Also, I would not mind some more interaction between acer_busmucro and technicore. He's got a nasty habit of getting dragged into crazy adventures. Maybe something dealing with destruction and Komurin?


ingenuities August 28 2009, 04:20:26 UTC
D: J-just having her back is enough for him! Though of course he would always love to spend time with her. XD; She is his adorable little sister, after all.

That would be fun~ Technicore tends to run into trouble a lot himself. XD; Maybe they could fight something again? Komurin only destroys what Komui tells it to, after all.


acer_busmucro August 28 2009, 21:45:24 UTC
Maybe she can spend an entire day just with him?

Yes~ Or Komui could just be feeling particularly mischievous, whichever works best for you. :D


ingenuities August 28 2009, 22:22:57 UTC
He would just love that~

XD That works too. I'll try and think of some trouble for him to get himself into~


deityprotected August 28 2009, 01:24:12 UTC
Needs more awkward/cute interaction between this one and technicore.

also: eaturchildrenz desires delicious, delicious food in the form of sleepingspell. And while I'm at it, Beauty can have a try at piecing together traumatized, little!Wolf when I age him up a few more months.

Other than that. brbgoing2moon and goldentadpole need to go on their date. And once I bring blindedaria back from the character abyss, he and misfit!Bak can go on a superhappyfuntiems adventure of some sort.

...And I guess I'll add chromon and summonhings for you to suggest some form of plot for.


ingenuities August 28 2009, 04:25:26 UTC
Yes yes we do~ Romance advice, maybe? XD; Bak likes falxx, right?

|D I still need something to post about with little!Beauty, though. ... Something about aged-up, traumatized little wolf, maybe? He *is* his future husband~

They dooo. I suggested a picnic date to you over AIM; want to go through with that? ... Aha, yes~ More music lessons, maybe?

Of course, Komui here is always up for spending time with his bff~ They need to do more together, anyway.


deityprotected August 28 2009, 04:33:08 UTC
XD he does, and that would be fun~ Especially with how much it'd fluster Bak.

That'd work. Beauty stumbling upon traumatized little Wolf maybe? It could be a thee-way thread maybe. Hungry Tyki seeing it as an opportunity to pounce?

Yep~ The picnic date sounds cute~ And so do more music lessons~

They do~ We'll have to think of something for them to do.


ingenuities August 28 2009, 22:25:39 UTC
We should do it, then~ I need to post with him anyway. XD;

That. Would be pretty cool. :D It could traumatize poor Bak even more?

Yay~ We should do those soon, then.

Something silly maybe? We don't do enough silly with them.


bringingsexybak August 28 2009, 03:17:14 UTC
You have full access to this Bak as well as anyone else I might have if you can think up something to do with them! I'm a little swamped with work atm (on day 9 of 12 in a row), but once things calm down I should have more time for playing.


ingenuities August 28 2009, 04:32:52 UTC
Either this guy or technicore would love to poke Bak~ This guy about bringerofcoffee's death/coming back to life and Order affairs, maybe? There aren't too many Order officials in the DR, Komui's been pretty much handling everything on his own. He could ask Bak for help, maybe? ... and the Exorcist misses his friends. He could just... bother Bak for company, maybe?


countess_hearts August 28 2009, 04:29:37 UTC
If you'd like any of my characters to help out in plots for your lot, they're available. ^^


ingenuities August 28 2009, 04:45:38 UTC
Well~ thornsbindroses's Lenalee isn't here, meaning he's in visible pain, and I was thinking of having him seek someone like the Earl for help, so maybe the Countess could help with that? ... Or she could bug the Supervisor again. XD; It's been quite a while since they last spoke. Or argued or whatever.


countess_hearts August 28 2009, 05:26:39 UTC
Sounds good to me. The Countess misses tormenting your ingenuities Komui anyway.


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