I'm bored, and since it's been a while since out last one, I propose it's time for another Communal relationship meme
For those who forget, what you do is comment with a list of the characters you play, and other people comment asking about one of your character's relationship with one of theirs e.g "What does Bak think of gangster Lenalee?". So
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reprehensiblity || Canon!Komui
workingtohope || Science Dept!Komui
technicore || Young!Exorcist!Komui
springbottle || Bottle Fairy!Komui
losingreason || Insane!Komui
mischiefspuppet || Female Noah!Komui
quixoticroyalty || Prince!Komui
millenniumallen || Millennium Allen
happilymodified || Chomesuke
dreamdevourer || The Baku
axebladed || Soul Eater!Reever
cynicismatic || Advisor!Reever
komurin_ex || Komurin Ex, who is brand new but I'll list him anyway.
*hopes I didn't somehow screw that up*
reprehensiblity, happilymodified and mischiefspuppet on twosidesonecoin
losingreason on sanified,technicore on Android here and cynicismatic on enchantedhat
reprehensiblity likes and trusts him; he's a valued friend, Noah or not~ happilymodified is still pretty scared of him, though she hasn't seen him in a while, so she's starting to relax. mischiefspuppet likes him. She thinks he's amusing~ They should hang out more.
losingreason is still rather sorry he hurt sanified even if Bak liked it. He's also kind of scared of him, because he reminds him of most of the people back in the Order who pretty much hate him. :x
technicore is still quite amused by the fact that it's Bak and he's an android; but thinks he's fun to hang around and does consider him a friend~
And cynicismatic respects enchantedhat, since he's one of the most sensible people he knows, though he's still insanely jealous of him for all the attention he gets from Komui~
He'd be happy to hear that, he wouldn't admit it but he appreciates him as a friend and thinks highly of him. The next time Bak sees her, he'll probably apologise. They should hang out more, though she does unnerve him a little bit, he thinks she's fun.
Well sanified doesn't hate him, he considers him as much of a friend as someone insane can.
pluginandplay considers him a friend too, and is very thankfull for the help after getting torn up by the Level 4.
enchantedhat considers him a good friend and feels guilty about the attention he doesn't even want, and as far as he's concerned, Reever can have Komui if it gets him off his back.
Komui'd be happy to hear that, too~ Hah, she might not believe him right away. XD; mischiefspuppet unnerves everyone, I think. XD; But she needs to brag to him about finally getting ahold of a Reever~
Komui doesn't think he hates him, he just reminds him of how the others at the Order act, calling him insane and such.
Well, it's not like Komui could just leave him there looking like that~
Reever'd be happy to hear that.
Oh well, he can keep trying until she does. Oh lord, they can fangirl over their Reevers together XD
Bak was just playing to get cut up, he might try it again sooner or later if Komui lets his guard down.
He's still very gratefull reguardless.
She'll believe him eventually~ XDD Oh yes they could~ That would be hilarious.
Aww, and Komui's been trying to get better, too. XD; Upsetting him to the point of trying to cut him up again might break him~
It would, wouldn't it?
Then Bak will certainly be trying~
He could do that with my canon!Komui, too. X3;
Oh he'll be trying it on the both of them then~
XD That'll be fun.
Millennium Allen still thinks of Kanda as little more than an experiment, one that he hasn't checked up on in a while. XD; They should interact more. technicore hasn't interacted with General Miranda as much as he should have but she's something like a replacement big sister to him, since his Lenalee isn't here. X3; But she's one of his favorite Generals.
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