
Jun 02, 2011 17:50

The Last Words Meme

1 - Go to the RNG and roll for both your cause of death and time left, then start a thread with it! Alternatively, skip the RNG and make up your own death.

2 - Reply to other people's comment. Either roll the RNG for a relationship type with them, or go with your own CR. You can also be dying along beside them, or a ( Read more... )

last words, meme

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2 + 1 tempersword June 2 2011, 23:01:38 UTC
[Kanda apparently needs to stop having run-ins with psychopaths. This is, what, the third time she's been spontaneously murdered?

The rooms in a total disarray from the fight, with damage to the walls, furniture torn and overturned, blood spattered about the place. Kanda's towards the back, lying on (or in) the remains of what was once a table. And there's far more blood on and around her than should probably be out of her body, bits of shrapnel from the table sticking into her body, and probably limbs broken and bent in ways that they really shouldn't be bending. Mugen's off somewhere else in the room, but that's not really her concern at the moment.

Breathing is.]


besomeothername June 2 2011, 23:39:36 UTC
[And considering the shape that Yupunzel's body is in, she might not even notice Lavi come into the room. He pauses for a moment before he recognizes those clothes, that face, even the way she's breathing. For the love of everything, why did it have to be her? Lavi scrambles over to her side, falling to his knees and moving to scoop her up in his arms. Belatedly he realizes that it probably hurts like hell, but he can't stop himself from trying to hold her. To let her know that he's nearby]



tempersword June 2 2011, 23:47:33 UTC
[Hisses and cringes when he lifts her, trying to twitch into a less painful position. Turns her gaze up at him, taking a moment to wheeze in some more air.] L--Lavi?


besomeothername June 2 2011, 23:53:07 UTC
[Nods with a smile, leaning down to place a kiss on her forehead] Yeah, it's me. Your knight in shining armor has a tendency to not make it to the stage on time.

[Half joke. Half truth. He raises his head a little to look at the amount of blood she's lost. Too much, far too much. But perhaps not a lost cause if he could get her breathing back to a normal level. One of his hands runs lightly down her back, searching for shrapnel and bits of metal big enough to be piercing a lung. Those are the first pieces he tries to pull out]


tempersword June 2 2011, 23:57:44 UTC
Ah--[Another hiss when he's pulling debris out, latching onto his coat and flinching away. A wheeze and cough against him, spitting up a little blood.]



besomeothername June 3 2011, 00:01:08 UTC
[Gently wipes the blood from her lips, mumbling a soft apology before he tries to yank out another rather nasty looking splinter]

Just bear with me, yeah. You should be able to breath fine soon.


tempersword June 3 2011, 00:14:12 UTC
[Grits her teeth and tightens her hold, waiting for him to finish as well as she can. Let's out a pained sound for every splinter he pulls out.]


besomeothername June 3 2011, 00:23:55 UTC
[When the last splinter is out of her back and chest area, he wraps his arms around and pulls her tightly to him. Stop the bleeding and let the lungs heal. Stop the bleeding and let the lungs heal. That's about the only thing going through his mind right about now]

Stay with me, okay?


tempersword June 3 2011, 00:28:39 UTC
[Just a cough and a nod in response, letting her head roll against him and closing her eyes. She was tired and her head was fuzzy, and her healing with deal with the damage, right? She could afford to rest while it did its job.]


besomeothername June 3 2011, 00:35:00 UTC
[Buries his face against her hair and chuckles a little. Though it's not quite a happy sound. More nervous. That's still a lot of blood, but she would be fine, right? She was a Kanda]

Such a damsel in distress, Yuu. [Kisses her temple]


tempersword June 3 2011, 00:40:35 UTC
[Tilts her head up at him with a bleary look and huffs.]

Am not. [Except she kind of is in the Dressing Room. Must be that shit luck catching up with her.]


besomeothername June 3 2011, 00:54:37 UTC
[Lays her down against his lap and unwinds his scarf from around his neck. He's wraps it tightly around her upper torso, trying to slow any more blood]

[The bleary look worries him. And he brushes her bloodied bangs from her forehead to get a better look]

You're going to be all right, yeah? This is just a scratch, right?


tempersword June 3 2011, 00:57:48 UTC
I'll be fine... [Slumps down. She assumes she will be anyway, surely she has enough life left to heal from this. Right? Her regeneration would start soon.]


besomeothername June 3 2011, 04:59:43 UTC
[Cradles her in his arms and kisses her cheek]

I can try to take you somewhere nice. Somewhere that doesn't smell of the blood.

[Or take her straight to the clinic. But if he went that route, he wasn't going to tell her beforehand]


tempersword June 3 2011, 05:01:43 UTC
Doesn't matter. [She's too worn and beat to care where she is, as long as it's not causing her even more pain.]


besomeothername June 3 2011, 05:14:25 UTC
[Slowly begins to stand, seeing if that causes her any pain]


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