
Dec 13, 2009 21:27

Hi all~

Care to enjoy in some mayhem? Want to know what a Tyki does when he is bored? Well, read on!

Plot under cut for long description to save space )

plot plot plot

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cardio_swindle December 15 2009, 02:43:30 UTC
Oh my god this sounds epic and awesome.

For part one I'd be happy to offer up Daisya kicking_balls at the least. Though I have to double check with his canonmates about whether his AI can network with them--I'm sure we can find a way to disable that or LOL DRESSING ROOM it if it can. Send his Charity Bell to acalia_dahlia if it's cool with the mun. Krory is another I'd be happy to have kidnapped if I can get his voice down to have confidence playing him by then.

For part two, no_ave_maria would likely not be a leader so much, she kind of prefers to do her own thing, but she'll definitely be up to keeping an eye on things and busting in with the other Generals if necessary. sonorous_sadist might be a decent candidate for leadership if any exorcists want to actually follow Cyril or at least for rallying and fighting.

I'm fine with any of mine dying in the melee. I'm not sure what this particular Tyki will be up to at the time so I'll play him by ear.

And after New Years sounds good to me. &hearts


solo_insanity December 15 2009, 05:11:29 UTC
One Daisya, get. =) Maybe the AI could work, but the GPS shut off. Or the GPS could be on. He is probably going to stash everyone in the South Wing anyway. Or down a well. But up to you guys. Anything works for me. =) I will ping her and ask. As for Krory, just let me know.

Miss Marian would be a delightful addition to the crew. This is going to be the best rescue party ever. Possible Exorcist!Cyril and Allen/14th/Earl leading the charge.

Noted. =Db I'll probably be asking around and putting up a 'what is allowed chart' closer to the actual event. I hope Tyki enjoys the chaos at the very least. From the sidelines or wherever he may be.


cardio_swindle December 15 2009, 17:41:50 UTC
Ahaha I'll be amused if most of Tyki's kidnap victims are kids, and Daisya is stuck being a soccer mom big brother to them. Closer to the time I'll probably know if I'm up to Krory by then.

Rescue party is going to be a bit hilarious if it's the two creepy ones leading. Everyone runs the other way.

Oh Cardio will enjoy the chaos and the WTFery and violence all around. If he pops into the melee it'll be to fight certain people he's been dying to have a go at, but he may just watch depending on his mood at the time. He's very fickle.


solo_insanity December 16 2009, 14:36:19 UTC
He'd have to tell campfire stories and roast marshmallows to keep their minds of things. But what would the burn, the furniture? I'll make a chart sometime this weekend hopefully. And actually give it a time frame. =)

And by everyone, we mean not only Exorcists but Noah, as well? :Db And the Akuma going to be dreadfully confused

Haha. That is kind of the idea behind it. The amusement more than the death, destruction and chaos. If he isn't in crutches or worse after the event, maybe he'll throw an after party with more booze than anyone could ever want.


tonguejob December 16 2009, 14:45:05 UTC
S'mores and scary stories and teaching them how to sneak around and play musical sleeping arrangements after curfew and not get caught.

This whole plot sounds like a lot of work, and I salute you for attempting it!

Probably. No one in even half their right mind is going to stick around for those two.

Cardio highly endorses the whole idea of confusion for amusement. Violence is a nice bonus. Really he'd offer to help if he knew but that means work and effort, so maybe he wouldn't. However the after party idea is one Tyki can get behind just as much as the chaos plot.


vermilion_sand December 17 2009, 06:16:13 UTC
And how to steal lunch money from the parents along with camping indoors under blankets with flashlights.

=Db Go. Go. Gadget... something.

Exactly. And I hope the Earl and Countess wanted to redecorate, because, uh, they aren't gonna have a choice.

And ruffling feathers just because one can. Ha. Yeah, he's kind of just bored and this is the result. Coordination is too much effort for him. But if they did have coordination meetings, I'd imagine they'd go something like this. "We could nab this one here and hide them in x." "Or we could grab a beer." Papers go scattering. "Sure, let's do that instead." This sounds grand. I think there will be a part 3.


nightshined December 15 2009, 07:08:26 UTC

Tyki will be on the warpath if that happens.


cardio_swindle December 15 2009, 17:43:47 UTC
XD When I canon update Daisya sometime I swear I'll upgrade him to "bigger badass" so he can stop being the redshirt of the crew.

IT'S OKAY THOUGH TYKI, Daisya's just doing what he does best, going and being a soccer mom to wayward kids...


failingfelicity December 15 2009, 18:47:36 UTC
*flails* I want Daisya and her to fight when that happens! Can has assassination attempt?


cardio_swindle December 15 2009, 18:57:22 UTC
Oh hells yes. I wanted to actually discuss that with you and maybe Kanda-mun some time, since I want him to fight Miranda and have his Innocence evolve. BAWWW their friendship T_T


failingfelicity December 15 2009, 19:04:33 UTC
*flails MOAR* I'm done with finals tomorrow, we can talk then for sure! Seeing Daisya's Innocence evolve will be awesome~ BAWWW is right, though I got a feeling they'll somehow stay friends and be even more awkward (if that's possible), if only when thrown in the DR.


dreams_are_mine December 15 2009, 19:18:13 UTC
EE GOOD LUCK! And sounds good to me. Ahah, I need to think of the Charity Bell's evolution orz but it should be fun. I think you're right though, those two will manage to stay friends in the DR at least, with EXTRA MAXIMUM AWKWARD.


failingfelicity December 15 2009, 20:00:37 UTC
Thanks! <3 I'm thinking I'll do alright *crosses fingers* For some reason I think of it evolving into a giant bell like they have in cathederals. Probably not the best idea XDD Awkward forever, it'll be great o/


cardio_swindle December 15 2009, 20:11:33 UTC
That's good, knock 'em dead! That would be a most amusing but difficult evolution to contain. For some reason my mind skipped to the Liberty Bell ahah. It might be workable, depending on how crazy I make his evolution XD. But yes, AWKWARD FOREVER and I'll love every minute of it.


failingfelicity December 15 2009, 21:33:45 UTC
Photosynthesis! Meiosis! Proteins! Yeah! XD; I can see how it might be a little unwieldy. Juuust a little. Liberty Bell, Charity Bell, it works~ Pfft, I can't wait for it <3


cardio_swindle December 15 2009, 22:52:06 UTC
Ooh! Biology is my favorite. Calvin Cycle GO GO GO. Ahah he could roundhouse kick the bell for Area attacks... *turns everything she touches into crack* Me neither, so when you finish finals lemme know!


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