All submissions need to be sent to the admin e-mail address, Red Text is information that you fill in.
[Artists] Submission Instructions:
1. In the subject line of your e-mail, please write:
2. In the body of your e-mail, please write:
Title: Title of Your Art (if untitled, just write 'Untitled')
Artist: your LJ handle (see note)" site="">
Characters/Pairings: Character, Character/Character, etc.
Work Safe?: Yes or No
Warnings: Please make sure to warn for any potentially triggering subject matter, such as rape, pedophilia, etc. especially. If you are not sure what to warn for, please contact us. ETA:
Big Bang Story: Title of the fic your artwork is for.
Notes: Anything you'd like to add: creative process, remarks for the writer, etc.
Excerpt: Brief excerpt of the scene your art depicts. Please quote no more than a couple sentences. Keep in mind what you quote here is what will be hot linked within the final story to your art submission. If your art isn't from any specific scene, please explain (eg: a cover for the story)
If you have multiple pieces of art, repeat the above instructions for each submission.
3. Please send the actual art to us as an attachment. Acceptable file extensions: .jpg/.jpeg, .gif, .png
Sample Submission
Title: Eventide
Characters/Pairings: Lavi/Lenalee
Work Safe?: Yes
Warnings: None.
Big Bang Story: Black Star
Excerpt: He touched her hand, the grass springing up between their fingers. Ahead, the sun was an orange slice and the horizon its platter.
ATTACHMENT: Don't forget to attach the image :3
[Writers] Submission Instructions:
1. In the subject line of your e-mail, please write:
2. In the body of your e-mail, please write:
Title of Your Fic
Your LJ Handle
3. Please send the actual fic to us as an attachment. Make sure ALL html tags are already embedded (italicized and/or bolded font, any formatting changes, etc). We will not do any reformatting for you.
The fic should be formatted as follows:
Title: Title of Your Fic
Author: your LJ handle (see note)" site="">
Characters/Pairings: Character, Character/Character, etc.
Rating: For simplicity, please put M (for Mature), T (for Teen) or G (for General Audiences)
Warnings: Please make sure to warn for any potentially triggering subject matter, such as rape, pedophilia, etc. especially. If you are not sure what to warn for, please contact us. ETA:
Word Count: #
Summary: Summary of your fic here, no more than 150 words.
Notes: Anything else you want to say, thank your beta, etc.
Your cut text here, can be a quote from the fic or whatever, just be sure to use smart quotes if you are quoting dialogue. And no formatting.">
Text of your fic here.
Note: since these fics will be posted to Dreamwidth, this is the DW code for putting your LJ handle in a DW post. Alternately, if you have a DW name, you can give us that. If you have neither, you can just put your author name down, optionally linking it to your writing website, account, etc. The code for a hyperlink is">Your Author Name. You can also give us any combination of the three, LJ handle, DW handle, or Author Name.
Sample Submission
Shadows of Camelot
Title: Shadows of Camelot
Characters/Pairings: Kanda/Allen
Rating: M
Warnings: Dubcon
Word Count: 10,000
Summary: Powerful, handsome Allen Walker loves Kanda, but he knows that he can never claim him; beneath Allen's pretense of being a poet and maker of simple magic tricks lurks a truth he can never reveal: Allen is a mighty warrior and sorcerer with incredible powers, including the ability to change shape.*
Notes: AU, beta'd by .
Shadows of Camelot
Old Tiedoll stirred from his dozing, roused by some distant voice he felt rather than heard, like an echo of memory both ancient and new, felt in the blood with each beat of his heart.
Instinctively, he opened his eyes, at once calmed by the quiet, undisturbed conversations and child's playful laughter that bespoke no danger, and at the same time unable to ignore the sudden chill in the warm, spring air.
Though no sound was made, still he sensed the movement beside him as the boy, Kanda, stood suddenly.
"What is it, child?"
"Tis the fool Walker."
Allen Walker, fierce warrior, conjuror of poor sleight-of-hand tricks, and even worse jokes. At best, a terrible balladeer who could not carry a tune in a bucket. He was a contradiction unto himself. All was not what it seemed with Allen Walker.
This is a new paragraph. This is some italicized text in the paragraph. If you want to know what happens to Kanda next, you're shit out of luck, because I'm too lazy to transcribe the rest of Amazon's Look Inside! for the romance novel I ripped off to write this by changing the character names to DGM ones. The summary up there is a ripoff, too. And so on for 10,000 more words.
Good luck, everyone! I'm looking forward to seeing your submissions. If you have any questions, please comment.