About a week ago somewhere near the land of box...
Cait: I feel like we're forgetting something. Some sort of important yearly landmark...
Me: Oh no, don't worry, I haven't forgotten. Premiere of Doctor Who season 5 in Two weeks...oh yeah and that other thing...what's it called...Easter.
Cait: No....more important than that...
Me: Again? Didn't we just have a Legaversary?
Cait: No, we had a Legaversary a year ago, it's going to happen like this once every year, pretty regularly, until one of us is finished.
Me: Riiiiight, that would make sense.
Cait: So...we should probably do something again right?
Me: Yeah, though we're kind of a lot less prepared for it this year. And we can't do another Photoshoot swap, since neither of us has actually managed to make any progress in the last year.
Cait: How did that happen anyway. In our first year we both managed to get to Generation 5, now a year later...we're still on generation 5.
Me: Well...we've been busy with...Emma Interludes, and Megahood Roadtrips...
Cait: And The RR in Strangetown, and the RR in Belladonna Cove...
Me: Heiresses disappearing, heirs having threesomes...
Cait: No, we're not going into that again.
Me: Hey you brought it up.
Cait: No I didn't!
Me: Then why are we talking about it?
Cait: ...can we please just figure out what we're doing for this Legaversary Milestone since neither of us has any further generations to trade for a photoshoot?
Me: Ok, just a heads up! I'm not wearing a corset this year.
Cait: Agreed, on the condition I don't have to walk around with my navel on show to the world.
Me: Deal! Let's throw something together shall we?
Some throwing together later...
So! Jamie here,
regacylady has temporarily gone off to her own LJ to set things up there! (Where she'll post later today) So you get me for a bit! As some of you might remember from last year, Cait and I share a Legaversary date, the 28th of March. Last year
Cait took some Bohemians to her desert to put them in corsets and waist coats and I
stripped some Austens of their bonnets and britches for their visit to the desert. This year we'll be mixing it up a little bit and presenting a brief scene each, using the other's characters in our own context once again. So I have Austens playing out a bohemian-esque scene, and she has my Bohemians to play out an Austen Scene. Specifically, I bring you a little piece of Rent, staring four of the many Gen 4 children of Fitzwilliam: Frank Churchill Austen, Charlotte Lucas Austen-Blackthorne, Georgiana Darcy Austen-Haggerty and their illigetimate half brother, my simself's son, Tom Austen-Simself
Before jumping in the management would like to make this statement *clears throat* "The sims used in this scene are actors, the parts they play may not necessarily reflect any role, familial relationship, personality, or dress preference they might have in the original context of their home Legacy, past present or future. Then again it may...but that is completely between a certain generation 4 heir and his wife...and his mistress. Enjoy!"
(Also you're going to need
this music)
Ladies! Our Benefactor on this Christmas Day
Who's Charity is only matched by talent I must say
A new member of The alphabet city avant-garde
Angel Dumott Schunard!
Today For You! Tomorrow For Me!
Today For You!
Tomorrow For Me!
And you should hear her beat!
You Earned This On The Street?
It Was My Lucky Day Today On Avenue A
When A Lady In A Limousine Drove My Way
She Said, "Dahling-Be A Dear - Haven't
Slept In A Year
I Need Your Help To Make My Neighbour's
Yappy Dog Disappear"
"This Akita-Evita - Just Won't Shut Up
I Believe If You Play Non-Stop That Pup
Will Breathe
Its Very Last High-Strung
I'm Certain That Cur Will Bark Itself To
Today For You! Tomorrow For Me!
Today For You! Tomorrow For Me!
We Agreed On A Fee - A Thousand Dollar
And A Bonus If I Trim Her Tree
Now Who Could Foretell That It Would
Go So Well
But Sure As I Am Here That Dog Is Now In
Doggy Hell
After An Hour - Evita - In All Her Glory
On The Window Ledge Of That 23rd Story
Like Thelma & Louise Did When They Got
The Blues
Swan Dove Into The Courtyard Of The
Gracie Mews
Today For You! Tomorrow For Me!
Today For You! Tomorrow For Me!
Then Back To The Street Where I Met
My Sweet
Where He Was Moaning And Groaning On
The Cold Concrete
The Nurse Took Him Home For Some
And I Dressed His Wounds And Got Him
Back On His Feet
Sing It
Today For You! Tomorrow For Me!
Today For You! Tomorrow For Me!
Today For You! Tomorrow For Me!
Today For You! Tomorrow For Me!
Today For You! Tomorrow For Me!
Today For You!
For Me!
Me: How the heck did I end up back in this thing?
Cait: You have no right to complain! What am I wearing Jamie!?
Me: Well you were so enthusiastic about sexy christmas outfits when you were talking about dressing up Frank...
Cait: Why do you even have sexy christmas clothes!?!
Me: Same reason I have sexy Easter Clothes, and sexy Halloween clothes. Aria.
Cait: I think I prefered to have my navel showing.
Me: Oh very well, that can be arranged, just make up your mind woman!
Until next time, this has been Jamie and Cait and (Frank, Tom, Charlotte and Georgiana) saying thank you for an awesome two years, for reading and for feedback that helps us improve and makes us love writing about our pixel people even more, and for bearing with us while we sloooooow down the generational pacing this past little while. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!