I've been avoiding my main houses because, well I know Gen's 2 time is running short and I'm going to have to let Chris and Dylan go. Looking at their Life bars I would say that they should both just make it to the end of spring and we are now midway through winter. But anyway, my point was that I got back to Apollo's house for the first time
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The lot debugger's main function is to, well, debug your lots. Stuck bills, AWOL carpool, borked special scenarios, and so on and so forth. But it does come with some other nifty functions, like cleaning up a sim's trash/corrupted memories or rerolling their LTW. The RTFM explains all of the functions pretty well, but if you have a specific question there is a very long & helpful thread about the thing at MATY.
Also, if you really don't want to download either of those mods, you can use the boolprop testingcheatsenabled true cheat to fix Orpheus' LTW. You just have to shift+click the sim in debug mode, spawn the Sim Modder, and find the option to cycle through LTWs. IIRC it is under Aspiration > LTW > Cycle LTWs, but it has been a while since I've used it.
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