->> fIrSt tHinG iS fIrSt*Name?::Daniel Age?::13 Male or Female?::Male ->> RanDoM sTuFF*Do you like gerbals?:no If so, do you own one?: What about llamas?:no I love llamas...They rawk.: ->>yOur LoVe LIfe*Any current crushes?:no Boyfriend/girlfriend?:no Have you ever dated someone who started out as a friend?:yea Would you ever date someone who was your friend?:yea How long did your last relationship last?:i unno ->> vIdeO gAmEz*Ever play DDR(DanceDanceRevolution)?:a made up version my sister made If so, do you like it?:no What's your favorite video game?:mega man or nfsug Favorite Arcade game?:fightin one Favorite video game character?:i unno PS2, XBox, or Gamecube?:all Personally, I like PS2 most.:sumtimes ->> FrIenDz*Do you have a lot of friends?:sure Who're your bestbestbestomgwtfilovethem friends ever?:sure? Are you popular?:mayb What's your AIM/YIM s/n?:dgfrey102790 Mine's scoobysnax97.:so You should IM me sometime.:no Especially if you like DDR.:no Or want to be friends. w00t.:huh? ->> A fEw m0rE*Do you like Harry Potter?:sure What about Lord of the Rings?:no I think they both rock.:no Ima wrap this up soon.:good Just a few more ?s:no Do you have a LJ?:yea If so, what's your username?:dgfrey102790 And if you don't have a LJ, do you have another online journal?:w/e What's your username for that?:no What time is it?:4:31 How long did it take you, do you think, to complete this survey?:2 min Did you find this survey to be random and pointless?:yea its gay Or did you like it?:no If you didn't like it, I'll Avada Kedavra you.:dont kill me i no what u mean That's the killing curse, if you did not know.:i new it from harry potter And please don't IM me if you don't like me.:i will Cuz that's just not cool.:so Later!:stay away
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