Spring 2007 dgficexchange

Jan 27, 2007 03:31

Hello Boys and Girls who love Draco and Ginny and Fic Exchanges... ;)

Well, it is ALMOST unanimous that it is necessary to hold a 2007 Spring Edition of the dgficexchange. So YAY! Round Three will begin this April.

Since we have decided on a MAY 25th deadline (in honour of the creation of this great community -- 2 years! Wo0t!) we were thinking early April for sign-ups - so, keep your eyes open, there will be more about the new round over the next few weeks/months.

Now -- on to poll results...

Art: There was a lot of support for inviting the fabulous fanartists that we know and love to join us. Most think it would be a good idea, though we don't have a lot of artists that watch the comm. When it comes to it, we will most likely invite you to give us a prompt for a story AND a prompt for a picture and then when you sign up for what prompt you'd like to tackle, you can tell us whether it is the art or the fic.

Choice:Speaking of the way prompts were chosen, it seems like most people appreciated picking their prompts over having them assigned. We, as mods, hoped this would make more likely to complete their stories because they were writing something that perhaps had inspired them... for example, the prompt I wrote for grabbed my attention as soon as I saw it. I was in love with it right away. It made me LOVE what I was writing, you know? ANYWAY -- we like this system and will be keeping it for the next round.

Themes: Since our fabulous site mummy suggested the idea we decided to throw the idea of a theme out to you all in the poll. Some loved the idea. Some REALLY REALLY hated the idea. We have not yet decided what to do, but we appreciate your thoughts and comments. We'll get back to you on the subject closer to the actual exchange date. ;)

Awards: We were both very excited that the Awards in this past round were an exciting success. Most of you wanted to continue with the Awards, and we are right there along with you, consider it a given, there will be awards (though perhaps more generalized) for the Spring Round. We will, however, revamp some of the ways we did the nominations for next round, and we will most certainly take all of your wonderful suggestions into account. ;)

Punishments: Well, there was one person in particular who thought the Wall of Shame was a unprofessional way to do business - that drop-outs should have been handled more discretely. There were, however, FAR MORE people who thought it was a smashing idea and that dropouts were the lowest form of low you can have in an exchange!

Here is a quick rebuttal for our use of such a public forum... the people placed on there were all notified via email that if they didn't fulfill their responsibilities they would be on the dreaded wall. For most them we were in constant dialogue until they decided to drop-out. They did not earn discretion - but most understood that. Ironically, the person who was upset the most was not one of the people on the actual wall. Hopefully no one has hard feelings. It was not done maliciously (or there would have been badly manipped snogging H/G and D/Hr images on that wall as well - just to add insult to injury. Jess wouldn't let me go that far... THIS time... ;))

Anyway, the threat of the WofS was written clearly in the sign-up posts and we thought we were incredibly polite NOT airing their dirty laundry and letting the whole world know WHY they chose to flake out. Some had really good excuses and there were exceptions to the rule - but we did let everyone know that would be their fate if they dropped out.

ALSO: We have made a modly decision... and decided that those people who have previously abandoned their prompts will not be allowed to sign up again for the next round. It's a hard rule -- but it's turning out to be a quite important one to quite a few of you.

Bits and Pieces: Several little tidbits were suggested in the comments.

Word Count. The people want more words. We want to oblige them. Hopefully 1500 words will be a happy medium for those brilliant and wordy authors who can write epics as if they pour out of their brain, and those of us who live on one-shots. (Says the girl who has taken almost a year to update her LAST chapter on her long fic... *ducks head from thrown tomatoes*)

Extensions. We are going to be more hard lined this next round. We won't have the millions of Holiday Exchanges to compete with - so hopefully no one will bite off more than they can chew.

Beta Readers. Someone suggested we add a list of people willing to be beta readers. We both loved this idea. So on the sign up post we will most likely add a question as to whether you are willing to help your fellow exchangers with beta reading. (But keep in mind, even if you are NOT an actual fic reader, if you'd like to help out with the betaing then you can leave a comment to that effect as well).

To sum things up - this last round was a smashing success.. there were a few snags, but all in all -- things went swimmingly. The success of Round Two was not just because I had a wonderful co-mod -- but also because of all of you and your fabulous participation.

For those of you who will join us again this April -- I say 'YAY! I couldn't be happier to have you back again!'

For those of you who will try something new and join us this time -- I say 'YAY! You won't regret it - it's going to be wonderful!'

And to ALL of you I say, 'GO and read the brilliant r_becca's essay entitled A Guide to Participating in Fic Exchanges -- it's a good read and even more importantly, there will be a trick question regarding the etiquette of exchanges derived from that essay that you'll need to know... get acquainted with the rules, boys and girls... and we'll see you in 3 months! ;)

Much Love and Draco Kisses,
Jessica jandjsalmon and Jess forgetablelove
-your friendly neighbourhood mods- ;)

exchange 2006, exchange 2007, admin

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