forgetablelove wrote 'A Black Affair' for vinofaerie

Dec 21, 2006 20:33

Title: A Black Affair
Author: forgetablelove
Rating: lite NC-17
Possible Spoilers/Warnings: sex, infidelity/cheating, character death, mention of rape (not described at all)
Summary: He thought she still loved him, but she didn’t.
Author's Notes: Whew, this was written rather quickly, but I do like how it turned out! It's kind of messed up, but I wrote it with the prompt totally in mind. I truly do hope the requester enjoys the fic, because I enjoyed writing it and let my imagination take me where it wanted me to go! Over a million plus thanks to Jess who the adorable-est, wonderful-est, best-est girl around! You rock, woman.
Beta: the bestesst girl around, Jess a.k.a. jandjsalmon

His hands stroked her thigh making her skin burn from the desire and passion flood through her. Leaning back, she closed her eyes in ecstasy as his mouth ascended on her breast. His tongue sucked, nipped, and kissed her hardened nipple and burning flesh. She moaned and wrapped her arms around his hard back, pulling him closer.

He looked up at her and grinned arrogantly. His hand found her warm moisture and slid insider her. He knew exactly where to touch her to drive her wild. He made circular strokes on her sensitive nub as he resumed his assault on her breasts.

“No,” she whispered, reaching down and pulling his finger out of her. “Inside.” She was panting, her control nearly all gone.

His movement was slow and deliberate as he pulled out of her arms and positioned himself between her open legs. He stared down at the junction between her legs for a moment, making her pulse race quicker with anticipation. He slid inside herself deftly and stopped when he was completely embedded in her warmth.

She relished in the union for a moment before she started to squeeze herself around his erection. He moaned and began moving franticly. In, out, in, out. “God,” he groaned as he moved inside her, creating waves of pleasure to overtake her.

She was reaching her goal when he reached between their bodies and stroked her nub in a frenzied speed to get her to reach her climax. The combined sensations of his penis and finger sent her spiraling into her orgasm a moment later. Her body panted under his doused in sweat and pleasure.

He was breathing hard above her, and with one last thrust he reached his own climax. He called her name before he collapsed on top of her, bracing his weight by putting his hands out.

“So considerate,” she purred against his neck. She wrapped her arms around him and he settled against her. She could feel his hot breath on her neck still quick and hard.

He took a deep breath and rolled on his back, taking her with him. He was still inside her, and she could feel the connection between their bodies. They both laid on their sides, looking at each other. Leaning forward, she whispered against his mouth, “Now what?”

He kissed her quickly. “Now we sleep.” He yawned making her smile.

“Did I wear you out?” she asked with a teasing lilt in her voice. She covered her mouth as she stifled a yawn.

He grinned at her with pure male satisfaction as his grey eyes danced with amusement. “I see I’ve worn you out as well.”

Lightly punching him in the stomach, she sighed. “It was mutual. Shall we leave it at that?”

He kissed her temple and pulled her tighter. “Sleep.”

“You don’t tell me what to do,” she shot back sleepily but with no conviction.

The Next Day

“This is just great,” Ginny said, throwing a cold look at her husband.

“I didn’t do anything,” he shot back, irritated.

“Exactly! You turned off the damn alarm!” Ginny practically yelled, rushing to get ready. The night before had sent her into a deep sleep, exhaustion had swept her into the word of her dreams and failed to let her go. She couldn’t help it if she got home late because she had been busy. Even if she had been busy with another man.

“It’s not my fault you slept through it.”

She swung around, giving him a murderous glare. “It’s not my fault you turned off the alarm!”

“Actually-“ he started, but she cut him off.

“It doesn’t matter. I just have to get to work!” She grabbed her robes from her wardrobe and ran to the restroom to finish. “Damn it!”

When Ginny went downstairs ten minutes later, dressed and ready for work, her husband was sitting at their kitchen counter, drinking coffee and looking at the newspaper. Stopping in her tracks, she stared at the man so familiar to her in every way, so predictable he was boring.


She had been so lost in her thoughts she hadn’t noticed he looked up. Funny how she never seemed to pay attention to him for long. “Sorry, love,” she said as she strode in the room and planted a kiss on his lips. Quick, well executed. Practiced. “I shouldn’t have gotten mad… or anything.” She smiled what she hoped was convincing and sweet. She was supposed to be innocent after all.

He tried to kiss her back, but she pulled away and turned towards the coffee pot. “It’s nothing,” he reassured her. She knew he didn’t have to fake the sincerity in his voice. “You won’t even be late.”

Pouring some milk into her coffee she turned and grinned at him. “Thank God. My boss would have my ass if I was.”

He chuckled, knowing all too well she was right. Or else he thought he did. There was so much he didn’t know. So much he was blind to. He thought she was honest, but she wasn’t. He thought she was innocent, but she was anything but. He thought she was the underappreciated workaholic, but she wasn’t.

He thought she still loved him, but she didn’t.

He was oblivious to the reasons she stayed out late. He was oblivious to the reasons she shuddered when he touched her, because it wasn’t caused by pleasure. It was disgust. Pure repulsion.

Kissing her on the temple again, he said, “I have to go too. Sorry about turning off the alarm this morning.”

She smiled up at him, her smile easy this time. “It’s no problem. I’m not late.” Leaning up, she kissed his jaw. “See you tonight.”

She was out the door before he was.

Four Years Prior

Ginny wrapped her arms around legs, pulling her knees to her chest. She was breathing hard; her body wracked with pain. Closing her eyes tightly, she willed the tears not to fall. “Don’t cry, damn it,” she muttered to herself.

“Talking to yourself is a sign of insanity.” The voice came from above her in the direction of the doorway. Ginny looked up and saw Draco Malfoy standing in the open door way of the dungeon, her cell, dressed in a pitch black robes that contrasted with his white blond hair.

“What?” she asked, confusion overwhelming her.

“Talking to yourself is a sign of insanity,” he repeated in a calm voice.

“I suppose it is,” she agreed, uncurling herself from her position on the floor. Each movement she made created a new pain in her stiff and hurting body. The man at the door sighed as he walked over to her. He put out his hand and helped pull her to her feet. She stumbled and fell into him. He had to wrap his arms around her to help steady her. “Thanks,” she muttered, pulling herself out of his grasps.

“For what? Rescuing you or helping you up?” he asked. His words were uncalled for, but she shook her head instead of replying to him.

“What are you doing here?” Her body screamed as she began to walk to the door. Malfoy slid his arm around her back, helping her stay on her feet.

“Rescuing you what else?”

Ginny smiled in spite the arrogance in his voice. “Thanks for caring.”

“Who said I cared?”

“No one.”

“You actually.”

Ginny sighed, leaning against him with more of her weight. “Merlin, it hurts.”

“What hurts?”


He turned to face her, his arm still around her waist to hold her up. Before she could stop him, his hands were scanning over her body, checking for injuries. She groaned when he touched her stomach, falling forward in pain. “Ginny!” He caught her easily and held her back up.

“Sorry,” she muttered, bringing her arms up to his shoulders to brace herself.

“Your stomach?”

She closed her eyes as embarrassment washing over her instantly. “Yeah.”

He looked at her with confused eyes, not understanding what she was saying.

She pressed her lips together to try not to cry. “Malfoy…” Not being able to control herself any longer, she wrapped her arms around him and buried her head in his shoulders. He stroked her back even in his confusion. After a long time she pulled back and looked up at him.

“What happened here?” His eyes were concerned.

She closed her eyes and took a deep steadying breath. “They ra-raped me.” The words were a mere whispered. He tried to pull her close to comfort her, but she pushed him away. “I got pregnant. They made me have a miscarriage.” She pulled out of his arms completely and turned away from him.

“Ginny… We’re connected.”

The mysterious words were the last thing he said to her for a year.

One Year after That

“Don’t touch me!” Ginny screamed. Her skin rippled with repulsion as she stared down at the body.

”Ginny,” Charlie said softly from beside her. He reached out again to her and she pulled away, out of his reach.

“Don’t touch me!” she repeated. She wrapped her arms around her body and rocked herself gently, feeling a cold lonely feeling form in her body.

“Ginny, I’m sorry,” her brother apologized, though he had no reason to.

“So am I,” she whispered as tears gathered in her eyes despite of herself. She moved away from the coffin and back down the line, knowing that most of the other guests’ eyes were watching her. They had turned to her during her outburst, but she felt numb. She didn’t care.

It was a black affair. The mood somber and lonely while no one even pretended it was a celebration of life despite his wishes. The guests filed to see the body, to say their goodbyes while casting looks around the room and deciding what they were doing after it was over. Because they hadn’t been in love with him.

They hadn’t laid their heart down for someone who never loved them back, and in the end died without a goodbye. They didn’t feel as if their life had been ripped from them before it had begun.

They could overcome the loss easier. They mourned, grieved, and once that was over they continued on with their lives. As if he had never existed.

For the past five years, Ginny’s life had revolved around him. She had been waiting for him to come back to her as he had promised.

He did come back, she’d give him that, but he had come back in a coffin.

“I can’t say I’m heartbroken he’s dead,” a cold voice drawled from behind her.

She glanced over her shoulder to see who it was, but she already knew. “Leave me alone, Malfoy.”

“What’d I do Weasley?” he asked sounding amused.

She sighed. She felt too emotionally weak to fight. “You were born.”

“Damn. I didn’t have a say in that.”

She sighed again. “Go away.”

“Really now, Weasley. You made quite a show when you were at the coffin.”

She decided to ignore him then maybe he’d go away.

“You cried. Screamed. Pushed your bother. Quite a show indeed. Was it on purpose? Did you do it for the onlookers?” It was a whispered accusation, but a hurtful one nonetheless.

“Malfoy, go away,” she repeated, her voice hard.

“Surely you didn’t really care for him. You idolized him, sure. But loved? No. You didn’t love him, Weasley. You barely knew him for the past five years. He ran from you, didn’t he?”

Fury blinded Ginny as she swung around to face the man she loathed. “How dare you? You don’t even know Harry! He was just a schoolmate of yours! An enemy! He loved me, and I loved him! Not that you’d know what love is!” She yelled her retort, making the guests look her way yet again.

“You do enjoy putting on a show, don’t you?” His silver eyes glinted in the light. He had only been aiming for a reaction, and she hated herself for giving him one. “Perhaps that’s what you loved about him… the limelight.”

“Damn you,” she muttered. Even though she was still furious, she turned away from him purposely as she crossed her arms around her chest.

He continued to watch her without saying anything. She could feel his eyes burning a hole in the back of her head. After a few moments, she turned to face him. “Is there something else you want?”

He smiled at her. It was a smug and cold smile. “There is something else I want, but I’ll have to wait.” He stood up, still watching her and walked away.

“Merlin.” The way he had looked at her, despite her little knowledge of him, send shivers down her spine at the promise in the depth of his grey eyes.

Two Years after That

“You weren’t invited,” Ginny snapped at the man standing in front of her dressed in a morbid black.

Draco Malfoy stood in front of her, a smug smile on his lips. “If you don’t want uninvited guests showing up at your wedding, I’d suggest you leave the time and place out of the newspaper.”

Ginny glared at him for a moment before planting a smile on her face. “True. I suppose you’re right.”

Her new husband leaned over and kissed the side of her neck. “Do you want me to have the ushers escort him out, love?”

Ginny shook her head. “No dear. He’s not harming anyone.” She looked at him, trying to convey the fact he should keep out of trouble.

“So generous,” Malfoy said his voice dripping with sarcastic.

She smiled at him. “I know.”

Malfoy moved and allowed the other guests to congratulate the newlyweds. Ginny couldn’t help but glance over at where Malfoy was standing a few feet away from her. He was watching her in silence, his eyes never leaving her. She felt her skin crawl under his scrutinizing stare.

Once most of the guests had left, Ginny wandered away from her husband and to Malfoy. He was standing in the same spot he had settled in a few hours before. “Aren’t you gone yet?”

“No, Weasley. Excuse me, I mean, Longbottom. I haven’t left.” He shrugged. “I’m not leaving either.”

“Oh?” Ginny asked, feeling curious.

“Yes. I’m not leaving you.” It seemed like a death threat rather than a promise.

Ginny swallowed the lump that had formed in the back of her throat. “Why is that?”

Reaching up, Malfoy stroked her jaw and sighed, looking at her thoughtfully. “We are joined. We are connected.” It was said as if it was a fact.

Ginny forced a laugh. “You wish.” She went back to her husband.

Two Weeks after That


Ginny smiled at her husband. “Yes?”

“I’m going to my grandmother’s tonight-“

She interrupted him. “That’s right! I have to go visit my family as well.” Neville’s grandmother didn’t like Ginny for some reason. No one quite understood the woman’s animosity towards Ginny, but Neville adored her and she loved Neville enough to not fight it.

“Oh good!” Neville said, relief spreading across his face.

She kissed him briefly before she left for work.

That night, she ate dinner at a restaurant alone. She had decided against going to visit her family and decided to take some time alone.

“Eating alone?”

Ginny jumped and looked over her shoulder at the man who had spoken. Malfoy stood there. She sighed and nodded.

“May I join you?” Malfoy asked, gesturing towards the empty chair.

She shrugged. He took that has a yes and sat down. “What are you doing after?”

“After what?” she asked, confused.

“After dinner.”

“Nothing. I’m going home,” she answered, lifting her wine glass to her lips to take a slow drink.



“Are you sure about that?” His voice was sexy, and there was no mistaking the meaning behind them.

She looked up at him, feeling a rush of desire. She didn’t answer, just looked at him, gauging him. He didn’t say a word in her silence, merely allowed her to look her fill.

She shook her head. “I’m not sure of anything.” She had whispered her confession without meaning to.

Suavely, he stood up and held out his hand to her. Slowly, she placed her hand in his keeping eye contact that drew her into the depths of his grey eyes and he helped her to her feet. The memory of him rescuing her flashed through her mind. She never did tell anyone else about being raped, or having a painful miscarriage brought upon her by Death Eaters who were so evil they couldn’t even do her the courteous of ridding her of the baby magically.

He placed his hand on the small of her back as he guided her out of the restaurant. He called to the waiter to put her bill on his tab, and no one protested. She didn’t lead him back to her flat, instead he lead her to the Malfoy Manor. By the time they reached his bedroom the passion he created inside her was too consuming to ignore.

He knew her secret. He knew her.

BRIEFLY describe what you'd like to receive: angst, and out of Hogwarts and with a little infidelity thrown in. I don't care who does it but it has to be either Draco or Ginny. NC-17 a definate plus but only if it can be done without making the story ackward
The tone/mood of the fic: um, not dark but not sunshine and dasies either
A Theme/element/line of dialogue/object you want in your fic: water as a theme
Canon or AU? as canon as possible
Rating of the the fic you want: like I said, NC-17 if it can be done right. If not definate R
Deal Breakers (what don't you want?): no redeemed Draco, all good and Harry's new best friend. That just irks me.

exchange 2006, fics

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