♥ "Playing for Sweets" for mugglechump

Dec 26, 2008 14:39

Title: Playing for Sweets
Author: seegrim
Rating: PG
Possible Spoilers/Warnings: None
Author's Notes: Thanks to those who helped this story along.
Summary: Mutual deprivation pushes Draco and Ginny to strange new things.

Playing for Sweets

If there was one thing about working at the Ministry that bothered Draco more than anything else, it was suspecting that Ginny Weasley had a great chest under her numerous Quidditch jerseys and not being able to see it. As the undersecretary to the Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, Ginny was allowed to dress more casually for work than those in other departments, particularly one Draco Malfoy, who was the undersecretary to the Head of the Department of Magical Transportation. And as the Quidditch World Cup was fast approaching, their interaction was ever-increasing.

"Remove your hand from my candy dish, Malfoy," Ginny commanded warily as she looked up from her paperwork, "unless you don't like your fingers attached to your hand."

Smirking as he leaned his suit-clad body against her desk, Draco popped a toffee into his mouth, chewing it slowly, inadvertently putting on quite a show as he savored its creamy sweetness. "People with candy dishes on their desk must realize they serve as an invitation to the public. I," he stated imperiously, "the public, am merely indulging in some of the offered goods." He ran the tip of his tongue over his upper lip, retrieving a stray bit of toffee. "And I declare them good."

"Of course they are, but that's really beside the point. What can I do for you?" she asked, deliberately avoiding watching his tongue at it darted out from between his lips.

"I got your memo regarding the necessary Portkey locations, and I need to discuss it with you," he said.

"Which part?" she asked, arching an eyebrow. "I thought it was self explanatory."

"I don't think we need this many locations in the Wales area," he said.

"We will, trust me. Keep it as I noted."

"Has anyone ever told you you're rather bossy, Weasley? I don't need to be told how to do my job."

"I'm not bossy. I just know what you should be doing."

"Fine," he said with a shrug. "If your department's paying for the placement of Portkeys, it's your call."

She looked up just in time to see him snatching another piece of candy from off her desk. He unwrapped it and tossed it into his mouth, his eyes closing as he enjoyed yet another treat from her candy dish.

"You know," she began conversationally, "your arse is going to be a mile wide if you keep eating my toffees like you are."

"I've been helping myself to your sweets for months, Weasley," he said grinning. "And as you can see, my arse is just fine." He stood up and looked over his shoulder and gave Ginny a satisfied grin. "Thank you, however, for your concern."

Blushing, Ginny had to admit his arse was fine. "Well, it's... annoying, Malfoy. You've always got something in your mouth. Gum, candy, lozenges... You've got issues." She wasn't about to admit that it was torturous watching his lips purse and his cheeks indent when he was sucking on a mint, or that when he tossed a piece of gum around his mouth, she wished she were there in its place.

Sitting down in the chair opposite her desk, Draco looked at Ginny, wishing she weren't wearing the baggy Falmouth Falcons jersey. He could see a tantalizing hint of cleavage at the bottom of the vee of her shirt, but it only served to whet his appetite. With amusement evident on his face he answered, "Malfoys do not have issues. What exactly are you implying, witch?"

"Implying?" she repeated. "No, I'm stating it. You have an oral fixation. I read in Muggle Studies about this head healer, Freud, who said it means you were weaned too early," Ginny said, trying not to smile.

A sly grin spread across his face and he answered sincerely, "Ask any man and he'll tell you he thinks he was weaned too early, and admittedly I'm no different, although my wet nurses would have disagreed." With that, he opened yet another piece of candy and began to suck on it enthusiastically.

"You really are a lech, aren't you?" She rolled her eyes as he dropped the wrapper onto her desk and issued a challenge. "I bet you can't do it."

"What's that?"

"Lay off the candy, the gum, everything," she said, smirking.

"And why would I want to do that?"

"To prove you can."

"I know I can," he answered. "So there's nothing in it for me. Unless..."

The tone in his voice worried her; when Draco dangled his sentences, it usually meant trouble - for her. "Unless what?" she asked cautiously.

"Unless you're willing to give up something as well, of course. It's only fair."

"I have no annoying habits to give up."

The matter of fact way in which Ginny answered made Draco laugh outright. "I'm sure you're right," he acquiesced, "but there is something you could improve on, regardless." When she stared dumbly at him he continued. "Your jerseys."

"What about my jerseys? I love them," she defended.

"I'm aware of that, and it shows, trust me. But if I give up my candy, you're giving up those awful jerseys and dressing like a woman."

Ginny stood up, intent on showing Draco out of her office. "That ridiculous."

"No deal then? Guess you've got more of a problem than I do."

"I didn't say that."

"It certainly sounded like that."

Grasping Draco by the elbow, she started walking him out the door. "Fine. I'll do it. But only to prove to you that you won't be able to keep your hands out of the candy jar. We go for one week from today. And when you give in, I'll be there to mock you, rest assured. And," she added, "I get a favor. Anything I want."

"That's a ridiculous demand, but I'll win, so fine, I'll agree to that. And when you go crawling back to your jerseys, I'll take your announcement that I am far superior to you in a very public place."

"Malfoy, you're so vain it's almost endearing." At his triumphant grin she added, "I said almost endearing. Now, obviously, I can't welsh on my end of the bargain, but what's to say you won't go back to your desk and stick your head in a bag of humbugs?"

"Did you sleep through charms?" he asked patronizingly. "Once we shake hands, our bet is sealed with magic. If either of us break our end of the bargain, the other will know." He took her hand in his and shook it gently. "Kiss those ugly jerseys goodbye, Ginny."

Groaning, she put her hands on his chest and pushed him out the door. "You should know I don't always play fair."

He chuckled then and flashed his trademark smirk. "Fabulous, then. This just got interesting."

He'd made his way to the lift before she finally looked away. The last three years of working closely with Draco Malfoy had taught her one thing - if she wanted to win, and she really couldn't think of anything she wanted more at the moment, she was definitely going to have to cheat.

Early the next morning Ginny stood in her closet, scowling as she looked at the blouses and skirts hanging off to one side. She looked fondly over at her Quidditch Jerseys folded on a shelf, the bright colors and comfortable boxy shirts calling to her, and her hand reached instinctively for one before she yanked it back and pulled out a silk blouse instead. She scowled so much while buttoning it up that even her mirror commented. Snapping at it, she pulled on a tailored skirt and stomped out of her closet.

Dressed in more becoming female professional attire, but feeling less like herself, Ginny walked into the kitchen and grabbed the box of fudge she'd made the night before using her mother's recipe; she couldn't wait to see the look on Malfoy's face when he saw that.

It was shortly before lunchtime when he made an appearance in her office. She heard him flirting with the secretary in the reception area and she placed the box of opened fudge front and center on her desk. "Mr. Malfoy," she said sweetly, sitting up straight in her chair as he entered her office. "So lovely to see you."

"It's far lovelier to see you," he said, making no attempt to disguise the fact that his eyes dropped to her breasts. He ogled her for a moment, appreciating how the fabric of her blouse clung to every curve, and how the neckline showed just a teasing hint of the top of her cleavage. "I think I'm going to enjoy this wager; I knew you were stacked."

"I take that back, you enormous prat," she said, blushing intensely as she ran her quill along the edge of the box of fudge. "It looks so very good, doesn't it?" She watched as he looked longingly at the confections on her desk. "I made it myself from Belgian chocolate." Doing her best imitation of Draco eating sweets at her desk, she picked up a piece and took a bite, closing her eyes as the fudge melted on her tongue, finishing with a shiver as she licked chocolate from the tip of a finger.

Smiling as he would at a small child, Draco merely waited for Ginny to be done. "Is the show over?" he asked regretfully when she looked up at him. Handing her a file folder, he turned to leave the room. "I've never been overly fond of chocolate," he called over his shoulder. "See you tomorrow."

Ginny could practically hear the smirk in his voice, and she growled at the empty doorway where he'd been seconds before. She was disappointed that her efforts hadn't appeared to tempt him in any way, but what was far more disturbing to her was that more than wanting him to lose the wager, she wanted to see him closing his perfectly shaped lips around a piece of fudge.

Draco lay in bed that night, tossing and turning. He hadn't had his customary biscuit and glass of milk before bedtime and he was finding it difficult to sleep. Blast that Weasley and her stupid bets, he thought, sitting upright in bed. As he hung his feet over the floor in search of his slippers, he paused. Was he going to lose a bet over a biscuit? He'd never live that one down, and he'd probably have to turn in his Slytherin status as well. That wouldn't do. Sighing heavily, he plopped onto his back and stared up at the intricate paneling of his bedroom ceiling.

Distractedly, he brought a finger to his mouth and chewed on the nail. He thought about what Ginny had said about him having an oral fixation. Did he really? He winced as he bit off a rather healthy chunk of skin at the side of his fingernail. Bloody hell, I do, he thought. Rolling over, he groaned loudly and punched a pile of pillows. He wasn't a Hufflepuff, damn it, and it was about time to stop acting like one. Sitting up once more, he walked down the hall to his study. If he couldn't have a biscuit, he'd have a drink. Collapsing onto the sofa with a glass of scotch he swirled the liquid in the glass before taking a drink, hoping he wouldn't end up an alcoholic before the week -and the bet- was up.

The planning meeting a few days later between the undersecretaries of the departments of Magical Transportation and Magical Games and Sports ended up being much longer than it needed be, all because Draco was unable to concentrate.

He was bored with going over countless Portkey sites and the off the shoulder top Ginny was wearing was driving him to distraction. The black satin that framed her reminded him of the ruffled paper around a truffle. He wanted to nibble on her shoulders and see if she was as sweet as she looked, and he had to swallow hard against the urge to drool.

Would she be sweet, he wondered, like honey, or would she be tart, like a lemon? At least he didn't have to wonder about the texture; he could tell without needing to touch to confirm it that her skin was as smooth as the softest rose petal and warm, definitely warm. He could already imagine how it'd feel to press his cool lips against her alabaster beauty.

"Malfoy? Draco?"

He looked up to see Ginny staring at him.

"Are we done here? You apparently checked out a while ago, anyway. What is wrong with you today?" She laughed then, adding, "I can't believe I had to qualify that with the word today."

"So very clever, Ginny. You wound me, I'll have you know." Shooting her a look of supreme indifference he began to gather his belongings just as his stomach growled. It'd been a few hours since lunch and his body was committing mutiny.

She saw Draco's gaze drift to the bowl of macadamia nuts one of the secretaries had thoughtfully placed on the table, and she smirked.

"Missing your treats, are you? Need to pop something in your mouth? Something with a nice crunch to it?" she teased, clearly enjoying herself, but at the same time not able to tear her eyes away from his lips.

He reached for his glass of water instead and looked at her with a growing smile. "Actually, I was thinking... While what you have on is pretty enough, I suppose, you should try a square neckline - it'd make a perfect frame for your collarbones, and with just a hint of the rise of your breasts? Now that'd be stunning."

Ginny's eyes grew wide as she processed Draco's words, remembering too late that he gave better than he got. Trying not to visibly swallow and failing miserably, all she could manage was a, "Thanks, I'll look into that," as she stacked up her file folders and left the meeting.

"Be sure you do," he called out the door, chuckling to himself. He'd forgotten just how fun it was to toy with Ginny Weasley. Now if only that fun came in a more hands on kind of way, that'd be a lot more satisfying.

Ginny had chosen her outfit carefully for today's outing, opting for a pale pink turtleneck sweater and tweed trousers. She and Draco were set to go inspect the site of the Quidditch World Cup together to make certain Apparation and Portkey locations were organized efficiently. She didn't want her outfit calling any undue attention to her, and as she wasn't showing any skin from her ears on down, she felt reasonably confident Draco wouldn't have anything to comment on.

As they walked the forested grounds of the site, Draco couldn't help but notice the way Ginny's soft cashmere sweater hugged her breasts or the way her pants showed off her trim legs and curvy backside. He realized that he had fallen victim to one of the oldest maxims around: Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. Of course, he thought, that's exactly what the problem was; he wasn't getting it all, just a teasingly small portion.

When they were finished at the site, they stopped for lunch at a hamburger stand before returning to the Ministry. Choosing a table with a cheery red and white umbrella, they sat and ate their greasy burgers and chips in comfortable silence. Well, silence anyway, as it was definitely uncomfortable for Ginny, who tried not to stare at Draco's mouth as he ate. There was just something so... sensual about his mouth, though. When he parted his lips to pass a chip through and she saw the tip of his tongue she found herself actually holding her breath. Horrified at the thought, she shook her head. Who knew where that mouth had been?

"You're rather quiet," he commented. "For once." He winked before tossing another chip into his mouth.

"We get along a lot better when we're not talking, wouldn't you say?" Ginny asked, raising an eyebrow.

"That's not necessarily a bad thing," he said, grinning, "as I can think of loads of ways we could still be in each other's company and not have to talk."

Setting her hamburger down with a sigh, Ginny glared at him. "Is that all you think about?" she asked him, somewhat hypocritically.

"Apparently so, but it's not difficult when what you're wearing reminds me of how your cheeks blush so prettily sometimes, and it makes me wonder whether you blush all over when you're aroused."

Ginny's mouth fell open and she waited for one of Draco's trademark smirks to appear, something that would negate his words, or at least attribute them to him being his usual self, but nothing like that happened. Instead, the weight of his stare intensified until Ginny felt as if she'd suddenly been placed in an oven as her body was becoming increasingly heated under his gaze.

Blushing, she stood up, gathering her wrappers and tossing them into the garbage bin. "We should probably get back." Draco nodded and followed suit. On their way out the door, Ginny grabbed a complimentary candy from the bowl by the exit. Unwrapping it, she smiled, getting a satisfied little rush when she saw Draco's eyes flashing with want as she popped it into her mouth.

"Mmm, cinnamon," she said, licking her upper lip.

He reached for her arm, saying tightly, "May I see you back to your office?"

"Sure thing," she answered, already reviewing what she had left on her list of things to do for the day. She was surprised when Draco wrapped his arms around her waist to apparate them back.

They appeared in Ginny's office, Draco's arms around her having turned into an embrace as he turned her to face him.

She looked up at him questioningly, her eyes wide. "Draco?" She'd said it so softly, she wasn't certain if he'd heard her or not, and he didn't seem to, as he moved his lips towards hers without answering her.

He'd had more than he could bear, watching her in increasingly attractive outfits this last week without being able to touch, so knowing he'd probably get slapped or worse, but not caring anymore, his lips touched hers. Softly, he pressed his mouth against hers, the scent of cinnamon beckoning to him as he slid his tongue along the seam of her lips. With a soft moan, her lips opened at the insistence of his probing tongue, even as his arms tightened around her, pulling her compliant body flush against his.

Ginny was burning now -on fire- between the hot cinnamon candy pressed between her teeth and cheek and Draco's tongue swirling aimlessly around hers. Clutching his shoulders tightly, she pushed him down onto the sofa in her office, falling on top of him, all without breaking the kiss.

Smiling against her mouth at her very enthusiastic response to his kiss, Draco drew back for a moment to appreciate the beauty of the woman currently perched on his lap, admiring her flushed face and kiss swollen lips.

She fought to catch her breath even as the smile on her face became smug. "You lose, Draco."

It took him a moment to break from his lust-induced to realize what she'd said. "What?"

"You lose."

"How can I have possibly lost? I-" he felt a a click against his teeth, and probing with his tongue he realized that Ginny's cinnamon candy was now his.

Ginny's smile grew even wider, turning into a smirk of epic proportions, worthy of even Draco. "I was beginning to think you were poncy or something, Draco. I thought for sure I'd have to show up naked before I'd finally be able to get you to kiss me."

Draco just stared.

"Honestly, Draco. While I'm more comfortable in my old jerseys, it's not as if I'm uncomfortable dressing up. You've been had," she said, flashing him an impish grin.

"What next?" he asked, grimacing and a bit stunned he'd lost a wager.

"I believe the terms stated I could ask a favor. Anything I want," she said, her grin triumphant.

His eyes flashed, amusement showing clearly in their mercurial depths. "Name it."

Grinning and settling herself more comfortably on his lap, she pressed her lips against his as she answered, "I'd really like my candy back."

Briefly describe what you'd like to receive in your fic (art)
Draco and Ginny challenge each other to do without one thing that's an important part of his/her life. It could be anything from hair gel to sex. Can be different for each person. The first one to go give in and do/use/have whatever the thing is is the loser.
The tone/mood of the fic: Anything but heavy angst. Snark and UST are fun if they fit the story.
An element/line of dialogue/object you would like in your fic: "I'm not bossy. I just know what you should be doing."
Preferred rating of the the fic you want: Any.
Canon or AU? Whatever works.
Deal Breakers (anything you don't want?): Any. insinuation that Draco would ever have been romantically linked to Hermione. Over-the-top kink. Rape.

exchange 2008f, fics

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