Title: For the Love of the Game
greenschistRating: R
Possible Spoilers/Warnings: EWE
Author's Notes: I hope this is light and humorous enough. Many, many thanks to
seegrim for the beta.
Summary: For Draco and Ginny, a silly wager leads to disguises, sneaking, and the lesson that the best things in life are the things their passions lead them to.
For the Love of the Game )
Comments 18
And that's the way you do it, Gin! Distract him with shags on top of the captain's robe. :D
Well done.
This was absolutely wonderful. I can't wait to see if you are who I think you are.
I giggled my way through it; this fic is love
"“I'd do the exact same thing, especially if I was stuck in here with him.” She stared avidly at Draco who was wearing nothing except a strategically placed Keeper's glove."
Bwahaahaa! I totally enjoyed every word. :)
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